Thread: IA´s dream diary....

  1. #1711
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In few days I have have only remembered snippets of my this..I know I go to a school...and when I was walking with my school friend...I was laughing so much nearly could not tell what was so funny...that I forget that I have a car...and take the bus instead....or...I hear a sound...and the sound carries the was..".there is still left on the left side" was total clear to me that the sound carried the message....never happened before what I can remember...or that I met my second husband and we where talking about why it did not function between us...I was because of the music...I do not like jazz...and I air played on a invisible show what was so anoing....
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  2. #1712

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    In few days I have have only remembered snippets of my this..I know I go to a school...and when I was walking with my school friend...I was laughing so much nearly could not tell what was so funny...that I forget that I have a car...and take the bus instead....or...I hear a sound...and the sound carries the was..".there is still left on the left side" was total clear to me that the sound carried the message....never happened before what I can remember...or that I met my second husband and we where talking about why it did not function between us...I was because of the music...I do not like jazz...and I air played on a invisible show what was so anoing....
    Difference between the car and the bus is that for taking the bus you need another person to drive instead of yourself - which is the case with the car. In other words, you "forgot" that you can drive your life yourself instead of relying on someone else.

    The music indicates vibrations. The vibrations between you and your husband must have not matched, and the influence of external vibrations (symbolized by invisible saxophone) showed clearly what was wrong.

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

  3. #1713
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Antares View Post
    Difference between the car and the bus is that for taking the bus you need another person to drive instead of yourself - which is the case with the car. In other words, you "forgot" that you can drive your life yourself instead of relying on someone else.

    The music indicates vibrations. The vibrations between you and your husband must have not matched, and the influence of external vibrations (symbolized by invisible saxophone) showed clearly what was wrong.
    Thank you Antares. Yes in retrospect I know all this to be true what you are saying.
    How is life with you?

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
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    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  4. #1714
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night dream I have had such a good cleansing from my resentment and hurt what has also happened in my relationships with last night dream I saw my sister having a clear flirt with my man...I exposed them and went to the balcony to cool sister come after me and did not admit what just happened...she just looked at me with a smurk on her face...that mad me so I said...I will go and hit him...(I never acted out like this in real life...I only ended the relationship pretty quickly, because if I asked they never admitted) ...I felt all the hurt and anger rusching through me...and I said...I will go hung myself...(this deep and hard I felt in real life..but of course I never acted on it) was very cleansing to both feel and see my reaction this clearly...
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  5. #1715
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night dream a man who is very good at hitting the right notes and tones when singing...he invited me to go with him to a gathering where you have to be good at notes...I was singing to my self quietly...I was too can be good if I get guidans and training...I could feel my felt good and my self confidence grew...
    Pitch is physically directly tied to frequency (of air oscillation). The faster air particles vibrate, the higher the pitch. (Something like that.) Non-physically there are also frequencies. So it may be your singer was showing you how to hit the frequencies that correspond to the chakras. Music is anyway one of the closer equivalents to nonphysical transformations and communication, I guess. With guidance and training (like from this friendly being singing for you) you can indeed unfold also that potential.

    I went into a building...and 2 bear cubs where playing in the elevator
    Elevators can stand for changes between sub-planes, and the ability to select a particular one might mean that in that body you were in, you could navigate well and tell your position within the plane.

    Pairs or triples of animals are often elementals, essentially the consciousness of each of our bodies. Depending on our wellbeing, these elementals can get quite rowdy. Or be untamed - like bear cubs - when they still need some training and care to be kept in check. They can also appears as lions, or as domestic cats, dogs on a leash, etc. This would then express degrees of control or having tamed them. Maybe you enlisted some help dealing with yours. After all, they followed you around.

    In this episode I am in my appartament...a huge heap of sand is in my kitchen and a hole is digged...I can see through the hole a canal floating under and I go out...on the other side is an excavater digging in the canal...digging up shoes...I pick up the shoes and I try to communicate with the man on the excavator..he says something like...what are you doing in the building with old people
    Since it's your place - maybe some past life stuff (= stuff from "old people") is being unearthed. Maybe he pointed out that this is different from you as you are now (= you are not "old people").

    In general, when you are in your apartment, it is possible you might be in your own worldview, the current home of your personality within the planes. You have one on every of the planes you can access. Within those worldviews there might be all kind of material pertaining to you as a totality - the higher the plane, the more encompassing it gets. For example, past lives might have contained the karmic seeds forming events in your present life until this point, and maybe it's time their influence is unearthed. The canal might well be access to a bigger flow.

    If this was your worldview and this being had access, his role was likely to help you make a needed change.

    The room you found this in might also be telling. If you see a kitchen as a place to invite friends or share food with family, it might represents aspects from that body's throat chakra. Or you associate the kitchen with the familiar unit more in the sense of the heart, as in a hearth that makes a home a home. Or maybe it ties to the lower chakras - survival or even sensual pleasures. So what the kitchen represents is probably best known to yourself.

  6. #1716
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Korpo View Post
    Pitch is physically directly tied to frequency (of air oscillation). The faster air particles vibrate, the higher the pitch. (Something like that.) Non-physically there are also frequencies. So it may be your singer was showing you how to hit the frequencies that correspond to the chakras. Music is anyway one of the closer equivalents to nonphysical transformations and communication, I guess. With guidance and training (like from this friendly being singing for you) you can indeed unfold also that potential.

    Elevators can stand for changes between sub-planes, and the ability to select a particular one might mean that in that body you were in, you could navigate well and tell your position within the plane.

    Pairs or triples of animals are often elementals, essentially the consciousness of each of our bodies. Depending on our wellbeing, these elementals can get quite rowdy. Or be untamed - like bear cubs - when they still need some training and care to be kept in check. They can also appears as lions, or as domestic cats, dogs on a leash, etc. This would then express degrees of control or having tamed them. Maybe you enlisted some help dealing with yours. After all, they followed you around.

    Since it's your place - maybe some past life stuff (= stuff from "old people") is being unearthed. Maybe he pointed out that this is different from you as you are now (= you are not "old people").

    In general, when you are in your apartment, it is possible you might be in your own worldview, the current home of your personality within the planes. You have one on every of the planes you can access. Within those worldviews there might be all kind of material pertaining to you as a totality - the higher the plane, the more encompassing it gets. For example, past lives might have contained the karmic seeds forming events in your present life until this point, and maybe it's time their influence is unearthed. The canal might well be access to a bigger flow.

    If this was your worldview and this being had access, his role was likely to help you make a needed change.

    The room you found this in might also be telling. If you see a kitchen as a place to invite friends or share food with family, it might represents aspects from that body's throat chakra. Or you associate the kitchen with the familiar unit more in the sense of the heart, as in a hearth that makes a home a home. Or maybe it ties to the lower chakras - survival or even sensual pleasures. So what the kitchen represents is probably best known to yourself.
    Thank you Oliver.
    You give keys to the voice/throat chakra in 2 of my dreams...when I had to undergo surgery of my thyroed gland they injured my discant ...I had a bass voice when I come out ot the surgery...they had cut of the nervs..and also in my most whole life I have not had own voice so to speak in relationships...before the surgery I was thinking of healing with tones you vocal with your voice...I have not gain back my high pitch...and maybe never will because of the injury...and maybe I still hope to find guidence how to use my voice in different way. The bear cubs may point that I have a new opportunity to learn to handle the different elements ...I have had dreams where I have handled real beasts of the lower and ruffer plans and did indeed be successful...maybe the higher plans scares me more then the lower??
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  7. #1717
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    and maybe I still hope to find guidence how to use my voice in different way.
    Let's hope you can! In both ways.

    I have experienced the interaction between thyroid and throat chakra lately, and until I figured out what to do it cost me a lot of sleep as I would just wake up smack middle in the night and be wide awake. So changes in the throat chakra also get reflected in the thyroid, I guess.

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    The bear cubs may point that I have a new opportunity to learn to handle the different elements ...I have had dreams where I have handled real beasts of the lower and ruffer plans and did indeed be successful...maybe the higher plans scares me more then the lower??
    One way to see the bodies is to think of them as resting on top of each other. So, to bring through an experience from a higher plane, all the lower bodies need to "fall in line" and become aligned. In Theosophical literature this is represented as becoming "transparent" - they basically become reflections of the next higher body.

    In general day-to-day life, however, the bodies can go out of alignment because of issues within the personality aspect they are part of - emotions for the astral body, beliefs for the mental body. If we are in inner turmoil, we cannot rely on those bodies to be part of the experience, they become unruly. One aspect is taming them in general - this is a longterm process of undoing certain tendencies and habits of these bodies which stir them all up. The other aspect is a sort of holistic hygiene. By taking good care of ourselves, our living space, our needs on all levels, we keep our bodies aligned. These are two aspects of the same process - long and short term.

    While we identify fear as an emotion, it's often a result of what we believe. So mental body constructs about our safety, what we believe we need to be happy, etc, also count as beliefs and their stir up the lower bodies. The astral body generates emotions as fear in response. The etheric and physical bodies are sort of the grounding agents for these. Issues in the physical body can then stem from issues in the mental level of being, being ingrained through repeated reactions into the very flesh of our bodies until it becomes an issue.

    Take care,

  8. #1718
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Korpo View Post
    Let's hope you can! In both ways.

    Yes I hope that too

    I have experienced the interaction between thyroid and throat chakra lately, and until I figured out what to do it cost me a lot of sleep as I would just wake up smack middle in the night and be wide awake. So changes in the throat chakra also get reflected in the thyroid, I guess.

    Yes I do think that my case I never found my voice so to say and the thyroid went bonkers and they had to remove it all...I have to eat thyroid hormone rest of my took very long time to find the right doze so my body function is okay.

    One way to see the bodies is to think of them as resting on top of each other. So, to bring through an experience from a higher plane, all the lower bodies need to "fall in line" and become aligned. In Theosophical literature this is represented as becoming "transparent" - they basically become reflections of the next higher body.

    Okay if I understand this right then I have only my lower body what is under the fleshbody...fleshbody and astral body in aligment ...I did see this and felt it very clearly...

    In general day-to-day life, however, the bodies can go out of alignment because of issues within the personality aspect they are part of - emotions for the astral body, beliefs for the mental body. If we are in inner turmoil, we cannot rely on those bodies to be part of the experience, they become unruly. One aspect is taming them in general - this is a longterm process of undoing certain tendencies and habits of these bodies which stir them all up. The other aspect is a sort of holistic hygiene. By taking good care of ourselves, our living space, our needs on all levels, we keep our bodies aligned. These are two aspects of the same process - long and short term.

    I understand....I do not have this yet in my life...but will be interesting when I have my life in better moving into a better and bigger appartament for one example...

    While we identify fear as an emotion, it's often a result of what we believe. So mental body constructs about our safety, what we believe we need to be happy, etc, also count as beliefs and their stir up the lower bodies. The astral body generates emotions as fear in response. The etheric and physical bodies are sort of the grounding agents for these. Issues in the physical body can then stem from issues in the mental level of being, being ingrained through repeated reactions into the very flesh of our bodies until it becomes an issue.

    Take care,
    Hi Oliver. I have put my answeres after your writing..I hope you can see them
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  9. #1719
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Yes I do think that my case I never found my voice so to say and the thyroid went bonkers and they had to remove it all...I have to eat thyroid hormone rest of my took very long time to find the right doze so my body function is okay.
    Yes, this is important, especially since it also affects sleep and "available energy" so much. I've been on thyroid hormone for decades - supposedly had low function from early on.

    it will be interesting when I have my life in better order
    You should see an impact from the changed circumstances alone. Sometimes this can be followed by releases of stresses that one had no capacity to process before - when we have space and quiet outside of us, our inner space and quiet often increases, too. And that's a big part of what processes our experience. But I think you will see some positive effects.

    Take care,

  10. #1720
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Korpo View Post
    Yes, this is important, especially since it also affects sleep and "available energy" so much. I've been on thyroid hormone for decades - supposedly had low function from early on.

    You should see an impact from the changed circumstances alone. Sometimes this can be followed by releases of stresses that one had no capacity to process before - when we have space and quiet outside of us, our inner space and quiet often increases, too. And that's a big part of what processes our experience. But I think you will see some positive effects.

    Take care,
    Hi Oliver and thank you for your reply.
    My sleep cycle is very wierd some period I sleep much and other periods not at all in days...Yes and Yes the new place will give me new energy...there is so much more space and that will be so wonderful.
    How are you doing?? So you have thyroid problems too...sorry to say this but this make me feel so much better...I think you know why
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

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