Thread: IA´s dream diary....

  1. #221
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I dreamt that I was harrased by a man ...a big man...but in the end my bf did come and get me...and when we went away I turned back to the man and said...We are not ever more to meet each other´ was winter and I felt relieved.

  2. #222
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I did dream that I was travelling some where, I had my suitcase packed and ready but I was carrying some item´s in my hand´s and the person I was in company with said...why do you not put the itme´s in a bag, and we started to serch for a bag and we found it and I did get my hand´s free, I asked what time is it...and he/she 0´clock....oh I said now I am late and my vehicle has left I had to posponde my travelling to next day....the next day arrived and now my suitcase was gone, and it took too long time again and I was not able to travel today eighder...I felt huge stress almost that I was not able to be in my skin....

    In this episode I was looking at a person and it´s development, I could see when the person did get to know her abillity and where in the development she was...I felt sorry for her when she did notice that she was not best in the world as she had thought to be, and she did notice that she was not even mediockre .....I could translate this knowledge to my own situation and did get to solve my inner stress about why I do not get any time ore strength in me to practis MAP as I want...because of the inner issues and the focus is in the unconsiusness are taking my strength and power...but now when I could translate this knowledge I know what area´s I have to work with...or that when I now know I can rest and feel some relief to get away the inner stress what I have bean living with so long...what my unconsiusness does put me through....I am sorry not to be able to dress in word´s better it is of big value to me to understand this...even I can know that to know and to put in practis is 2 different thing´s,....

    I feel more relaxed now then ever.

  3. #223
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I was in my dream on a wolf hunting class??

  4. #224
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Ah last night I had so wonderful sisters mother in law she is not longer with us here on earth....she showed me some wonderful braclases....I love hard core training...only lovely juvelery looking....thank you!!

  5. #225
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    I do not know what or where I was last night, but the group I was in was wonderful, so fantastic people, I do only have images of faces and the feeling in my whole essence, so nice, I felt at home.

  6. #226
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    I have a question:

    What is happening when I now lately do not remember my dream´s, but, I have registred like a milli sec threat´s or influences can be brainwashing too...I know I was brainwashed in this coming to consiusness now and can it be me starting to remember what has bean as a black hole until now??...Can it be this starting to come to surface??

  7. #227
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I did dream that I was in a waiting hall/room...I noticed an old women who was eating from the plaine table, no plate no nothing, the food was dropped on the table, and she had spread it out and now was not finding it so I first looked if anyone else will help her, no one did so I went to her and gathered her food near her so she could eat I noticed a little girl in pyjamas..she was all alone....I started to ask people if anyone did know her, no one did....I was following her doings and it get late so I had to take her with me...when we did come to my place I noticed her to have dipers-knickers...I was talking to her and telling her that we have to take them off and see if she is clean....and omg.....I have never seen so much poop....I was not able to put all in the toilet it fell on the floor and made a real I had to make her so secure that I could wash her...and I was talking all the time what we had to do...and she was co-opereating with me...thank god....I am exhausted still from this dream....huh!!

  8. #228
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I did have this senario....I was looking at a person sleeping in a lounge chair (the sleeping person did not wake up nor did it show any sighns of hurt or anything bad feelings?)...a dark silhuett of a man had cut the sleeping persons like a + with the center at the stomace (stomace was swollen at the +)...vibrating his hands into the flesch and making it to loosen from the bones...first I did not believe what I did see, I did very much doubt my continued and I could see the flesch loosening more and more from the bones and now it was loos up to the armpit from the the right side....he was going to loosen the flesch at all 4 corners but I couldn´t continue to look...compelled I went away....I did see on the background several doing the same thing it was like this dimensions doings...

    Please give me some direction for my thought.....

    Litterally scracthed down to the it for me need really go deeper down the bones...or to the fundation in me??

  9. #229
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I was to a school dining-room....there was several disches....I took first a disch with beans...then I noticed other disches more delisious and did change my was little bit confusing so I went to another place as I knew they have also always deserts...and when I entered that dining-room the lady who was working there we have ice-cream...and smiled...I looked and only one deep plate was left so I did think...well I take it and put some ice-cream in it...them the lady was going to wash the floor by casting a lot of water on the floor and to scrubb it ...I said...wait...are you not going to take out the ragg-carpet??..No she does not matter...but I did think it mattered for to do a good I took it out and I did never get to eat that ice-cream at all...

    So...learning to clean my inner??...and take out all filth??....

  10. #230
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    I had just this dream and I did become so awake so I got up to write it down here....I was walking into a forest it was like a korridore, hight trees on both was dark and on the distance I see a dark figure walking towards me, I can´t tell if it is a male or female, so I turn around and start to go back, feeling fear and now I almost run, now I notice that the ground is light grey almost white gravel....when I come out of the woods I am like on a small hill, the grass is very green, and looking down to a valley like with small houses and nice I see who was coming on the pathway the dark figure, it was a women, and it is now bright day light, I shout to her and apologises for being afraid of her, she said it is okay, and now I could follow her into her house with my awarness but still standing on the hill whith my the house was her parents...the father had beigisch long trousers and I could see that he had turkoish under pants...I was thinking that was he not aware of how sharp the turkoisch colore was appering through the beigisch trousers...mother was very ordinary nothing did stick out ....almost grey.

    I must add that I did not see the parents faces...only from the chest down...and I now know it is this womens earthly parents...but I did not get to know who they are their I am sure it was showd this way to me...because I have this divider metchaphore....head is in infinity...and the body in duality...representing this difference...and off course if I understand in infinity there is no form...and therefore no identification as here in duality...a infintiy is other things what I do not know how to express.

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