Thread: IA´s dream diary....

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  1. #1
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I did dream that I was in some kind of wilderness...the scen did repeat it self until I did understand the inviroment, I was with my bf when we here some one calling...halloo...halloooo....I said to my bf that we are not going to answere the call, so I made my bf to understand that we have to be very carefull, I found a cave like passage and we went throug it....I do not remember more of the dream...what is new for me is that I did follow the feeling of being alerted and understand the importans of security and be wary and catoiusness..

  2. #2
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I did dream that I was walking from my bf appartment and looking around and noticed that on the buldings front they had digital bilboard´s where you could see if there was wacansy apartment´s...and I noticed the house me and my bf wanted to live in...I started to run home to him to tell that we have to hurry and aply the apartment now.....

    In this episod I was traveling with a camping chair with high full back support, it was light and just perfect for me to carry around, I could rest when I needed...just perfect...

  3. #3
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    During my nap today I did dream that my sister did embrace me and said...I love you...I did hug back in very surprising feeling and said...I love you too....

  4. #4
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    I did dream last night that I was sitting in a bus, my phone rang and I answered it...I hear a male voice asking if I am IA who have applyed work in his company...Yes I said..and I remembered ....suddenly he was on the bus too, he was a doctor and owner of the company...we went out from the bus to his home where he was going to have the intervieuw...we entered his appartment and I suddenly asked for his doctor´s id....he was not a doctor at all, he was going to fool I ran out and I was in fear but not panic...I saw a school yard and went there for it was much pupils and teacher´s, I did explaine my situation and a teacher said I could go with the school bus, I looked at the school bus and I saw to the left my own buss stop so I was thinking what was best to take, so if I go with the school bus then I have to walk a long way to my I decided to take my own bus....

  5. #5
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I had several dream´s...I was going to sing a finnish tango...Täysi kuu....Full moon...I asked the man who played the piano if they had lyrics, I can´t this song I went away to google the lyrics...but everytime come out something else but not the tango lyrics....and I was wondering why, but did not solve the problem...(Am I entering new areas, for me unknown?)

    In this episod I was petting a black dog...the dog was lying on the side and enjoying my petting but suddenly it did start to wine in fear and stand up and ran away...I was surprised and thinkig what the heck is the matter with the dog, then I looked up and saw a man with a black big beard...and he had frighten the dog...(It was nice not to feel fear at all)

    In this episod I was looking out of the window and saw a view of a pathway in a forest and a elderly coupple was stick walking on it....up the hill I saw a pack of wolf´s and the couple was not aware of what was in front of them...I was in total panic...what to do...but there was nothing to do but to hope for the best...and the wolf pack did attack the coupple and I couldn´t look...but next time I looked up I saw the coupple running with their sticks up in air...and they had escaped the wolf pack...thank god I said...and now I started to think how on earth did this happend, the pack was huge...did they hit with the stick over the wolf´s noses...I did not get to know...but happy I was they had survived...but suddenly again the pack returned and attacked them I closed my eyes...and was praying for help...and next time I opened my eyes the pack had changed to a pack of runners who where jogging in the pathway...phiuh...saved again ..(Nice feeling all did end up good.)

    In this episod I was talking to a women who was standing on a balcony...ther daughter did sleep under the balcony in her bed, and their dog was always on the yard but now was I asked the women where their dog was, if it had run away, No she said...he is not far away as long as the daughter is at home.

    In this episod I did see long stick´s with code´s on...I could read said...this man has murded a person....and I asked what is standing on my stick...but she did not want to revele it to me...she held a lamp on her hand´s and asked me if the lamp was mine...No I must be someone who is not longer here...this place was like a resting I said to her...I think you can have the are worth it....and she was happy and she took the lamp.

    I am still thinking of the dream with the lyrics...that I did not manage to get it out of the computor...can this mean that I am serching in wrong place for my answere´s??

  6. #6
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I dreamt that I was harrased by a man ...a big man...but in the end my bf did come and get me...and when we went away I turned back to the man and said...We are not ever more to meet each other´ was winter and I felt relieved.

  7. #7
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I did dream that I was travelling some where, I had my suitcase packed and ready but I was carrying some item´s in my hand´s and the person I was in company with said...why do you not put the itme´s in a bag, and we started to serch for a bag and we found it and I did get my hand´s free, I asked what time is it...and he/she 0´clock....oh I said now I am late and my vehicle has left I had to posponde my travelling to next day....the next day arrived and now my suitcase was gone, and it took too long time again and I was not able to travel today eighder...I felt huge stress almost that I was not able to be in my skin....

    In this episode I was looking at a person and it´s development, I could see when the person did get to know her abillity and where in the development she was...I felt sorry for her when she did notice that she was not best in the world as she had thought to be, and she did notice that she was not even mediockre .....I could translate this knowledge to my own situation and did get to solve my inner stress about why I do not get any time ore strength in me to practis MAP as I want...because of the inner issues and the focus is in the unconsiusness are taking my strength and power...but now when I could translate this knowledge I know what area´s I have to work with...or that when I now know I can rest and feel some relief to get away the inner stress what I have bean living with so long...what my unconsiusness does put me through....I am sorry not to be able to dress in word´s better it is of big value to me to understand this...even I can know that to know and to put in practis is 2 different thing´s,....

    I feel more relaxed now then ever.

  8. #8
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I was in my dream on a wolf hunting class??

  9. #9
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Ah last night I had so wonderful sisters mother in law she is not longer with us here on earth....she showed me some wonderful braclases....I love hard core training...only lovely juvelery looking....thank you!!

  10. #10
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    I do not know what or where I was last night, but the group I was in was wonderful, so fantastic people, I do only have images of faces and the feeling in my whole essence, so nice, I felt at home.

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