Thread: IA´s dream diary....

  1. #231
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    When I went back in bed I continued to have several goes.....I was going with my bf to a hotel, and I thought we just go out to eat, suddenly in the corridore an old friend (he did belong to some male society like odd fellowss...or..skull and bones) my bf from the sauna...and I schreamd loud...iiiiiik....but he said and I knew that he will kidnap my bf..he put a belt around my bf right biceps....(I do not know if this was a set up so my bf could go out for a drink with his male friends) I was thinking what shall I now do...I was not dressed for to go out to dance..(here I felt jellosy and to go out dancing might trigger my bf jellosy)...and now a women, I guess a secretary to one of the men who now come to his hotel-room to get something...the women asked...what shall we do with the "princess"..shall we send her home..and I did feel it was ironically did go away to my room..feeling I am in charge and not to be send away by someothers whom I do not even room was some staires I was passed by a little girl she had a teat in her mouth...I asked where she was my granny she said...and I noticed her having the room to the left of a man appered....and standing and I do not understand why...he was dressed like a farmer up and down like a rich man like a big leader with fansy trousors.....
    I was talking with my bf the next morning...thelepathly...and I was trying to understand or to nicely his evening had much drinks he he course when you take one drink you take another...but he did not in any straight way tell me...I had to dragg it out of him...I did not feel good doing this...second grade inguiry...

    In this episod I was in an inviroment where a horse was so big...giantic...and I was so little...almoste like a graine...and the horse did very gently smell me...and his mule was so soft...I was amazed so big and so fear went away and I felt so protected.

    In this episod I did laugh out loud and did awake me to be aware of my the dream my physical arms was paralyzed...but my energy arms was functioning just I said..I will do the washing up...and I got these surprised I laugh because they did not know that it was possible but I knew...

    In this episode I was out and it was winter...a whole kindergarden class wanted to come and talk to little girl did come to my lap and wanted to be held...and I was talking to all of them..all wanted in different way to have my little girl did want me to warm her was cold and wet so I asked...did you fall down..yes she said...oh my...I said..and comforted her...then one girl wanted me to put her glove on...and it was tooo big..but I did put it on...better than the class was going away...and 2 girls said and reveled that they are not supposed to tell me...but everyone does know I was some kind of celebrity??..I tried to understand how that was possible..but did not figure out...

  2. #232
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I did awake abrutly in my dream when hearing someone putting a key to my apparment door and the word RELIGION was expressed very clearly and high....I did think...Who has key to my apparment because my bf was sleeping becides me and he is the only one with key to my appartment.

    The ONE who can have my key is my higher self and God right??

  3. #233
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    So you have connected the words "religion" and "key", huh? I find this interesting. I recommend you read "The Golden Key" (may be by Butterworth or Fox, I don't remember, but you can find it on the internet for free, in English. I don't know how it's been translated.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #234
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    I did google the golden key by Buttworth and Fox...It seamed to be a comunity where you can send your prayres or wishes and they do send a prayre back what you can use, is this right on what you recomended me to read??

  5. #235
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    I did google the golden key by Buttworth and Fox...It seamed to be a comunity where you can send your prayres or wishes and they do send a prayre back what you can use, is this right on what you recomended me to read??
    It's a book written by Emmet Fox.
    Here's a pdf link:

    It's used by many 'New Thought' churches, and it is a small religious tract. It's not necessarily anything 'new' to you, but given the contents of your dream, I thought it may have been pointing you to it.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #236
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    It's a book written by Emmet Fox.
    Here's a pdf link:

    It's used by many 'New Thought' churches, and it is a small religious tract. It's not necessarily anything 'new' to you, but given the contents of your dream, I thought it may have been pointing you to it.
    Thank you again CFT. I have pr?♥nted out the essay and I will read it and comment on it later, thank´s...As I feel spontanious without even reading it that I know all about this but have forgotten and had to be re-minded

  7. #237
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Yes CFT, I know all about this Golden Key, off course. And I have forgotten also to use WRAPPING what Robert Bruce have taught relese my pain...I have only done raising energy through my feet and hand´s, but to wrap and to tourch and to pour the strengthen the place where the pain pain is coming from the bones what is damaged in several way,s...musculus what is tensed is making all injuries in my body to acke, but if I remember to both relax in my body more often and to wrap with healing bandage ...that is to do my part....when I forgot to do my part then the pain is there to re-mind me...I think I will remember this now...Thank you CFT give me back my Golden Key then God can be present all the time and not me exluding IT out.....Big Thank YOU!!

    Religion is telling the good rules to get your self in order to stop living in abusive way against you ....the most maltreatment is one´s own bad thinking of self....God/The ALL/IT/...or what ever you name the infinity or life it there always if you let it IN to your life...BUT...Religion can also box in and I am happy I got throug the religions roof into the infinity where the real thing is.......Many times we interpret what is written in a bible so narrow when the God is total LOVE and forgivness.
    When I let infinity in my life I felt free for the first time ...and this happened very early in my life ...and this was not conssious before I become rather old...I have had a very deep deep faith and this is my essence.
    I do forget often but a quick re-minder and I remember it again, so thank´s and I do need this re-minders often.

  8. #238
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I only remember a dialog with my bf....he asked me if I am going to ask doctor about my tiredness, yes I answered I will.

    Then I meditated about my lost parts and how I will recognize them if I meet them ....I was shown the little child in pyjamas, and now I do understand how to reconect them to me, or help them to grow and off course invite them back to me.

    I will be whole again, thank you all for being there I will never forget this, and I am not able to thank you all enough, Thank you from deepest of my heart and essence. Bless you all.

  9. #239
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I did dream that a ex boyfriend did come and ask if we could start to be togeather again, No I said, I have a bf already, then he said, please contact me if it breaks and ends between you and your bf.
    He was the bus driver on my bus, and it was a very long bus, I noticed him driving at wrong direction, so I started to walk from the back of the bus to tell him he is driving at wrong direction, he said, he will only to make an small tour and will drive at my location eventually, I did accept this, now he wants me to find in a note book for something, I do not remember it now what it was but it was not there, I told him someone has ripped the page in the front seat was an English talking little girl, she was pissed off and trying to put me down by saying I smell bad, I knew it was not true so I did let her go on knowing she had the problem not me....I got off the bus and now it was winter and rather dark like night, I was walking in the snow and did found a railway road and saw number 9 in the railway road side, I was told it was navigating marks, I said, how on earth will they from a airoplane see these small numers, but I was told they did see them, maybe it did glow or something to be seen from abow...I continued my walk and now the ex bf was driving a boat in the snow or ice, it was like somekind of viking was near to hit me, and I did see it pass me in very high the dream did end.

    When I told my bf about this dream this morning he become jellous, and went to work in anger saying...continue to live in your dreams you sure does not want to live with me ...I am sad today, how to tackle this??

  10. #240
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I dreamt that I was looking at my self from the outside, and I could see that I had peed on me....I tried to smell the urine but did not smell anything...but I started to look for a shower and new cloadings but did not find....

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