Thread: IA´s dream diary....

  1. #391
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Tutor View Post

    there is nothing to "tell right out", for as soon as it leaves your lips, it out is wronged. the point of it is to suggest that within anyone is an imagination which clothes, and that individual imagination is the private closet in which all clothing is stuffed full. no one can have what is real told right out, for what is real [YOU] ever remains within unwronged, unless of course the one within believes that it is wronged, thereby being clothed in what it is not. one is ever naked, ever vulnerably exposed, and therefrom grasps with the gropings into the dark until alas it realizes that freedom and nakedness [within] are one and the self-same.

    clean that child's closet out, go within it, sit there and saying nothing...pray...listen........................... .............
    But there is always to tell it right out....first have to tell from what level you are expressing your self from...and what I mean by level is...if it is from our physical dimenstion here on earth....or if it is metaphorically from our inner dimensions...
    So from the beginning I asked you what you mean because I did not understand from what level you express your I did another try and asked if you meant our physical world or metaphorically from our inner....and you can never be friend with an wild animal here on earth, you can train it but never relax and think you can be friend, it is a wild animal....and if you talk about the "beast/shadow" then you can transform it and must do so to enter to "higher" realms...
    So...all would have bean cool for me if you had said the inner I see it is that you are expressing and now you use the word...child....and clothes....I do understand.

    I feel stress infront of your saying...there is nothing to "tell right out", for as soon as it leaves your lips, it out is wronged

    I do not agree here...there is a truth in every level and moment you speak from...this truth will change when you move to another level, there is that levels truth....and then there is the outer most truth what is the prize...and this outer most truth is our drive in life/evolution...we will never know this outer most truth it is impossible to do so, because life is never ending what does stress in if we start to stagnet and think....that the word are wronged as soon it leavs your lips...then WHAT use is there then to talk??? Then I can be silent and only observe....


  2. #392
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    What do you mean by the word 'friend' IA in this context ?

    If one has a telepathic abililty with animals, wild or otherwise, WHY would these 'animals' (beings) not be condsidered as 'friends', teachers, family & kin.

    And again if one could communicate with wild animals in this way, THEN 'right' action, appropriate behaviour & safety could be ensured for both species...... some humans do have this ability... it's there for all of us, so i am gradually experiencing/ finding out x
    " the core of spirituality is to optimize your personal evolution" ~ Robert Bruce

  3. #393
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by newfreedom View Post
    What do you mean by the word 'friend' IA in this context ?

    If one has a telepathic abililty with animals, wild or otherwise, WHY would these 'animals' (beings) not be condsidered as 'friends', teachers, family & kin.

    And again if one could communicate with wild animals in this way, THEN 'right' action, appropriate behaviour & safety could be ensured for both species...... some humans do have this ability... it's there for all of us, so i am gradually experiencing/ finding out x
    Off course you can be friend when right level is aschived...I was talking about earthlings who do not have come this far in theire it has to do with the level from where you act....all will change in time and level...every level has it´s own truths...

  4. #394
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    hmmmm, reading back in this thread, i fail to see the switch from the wolf in a dream to an actual wolf in the wilds of earth. for me, the best friend i can be to animals in the wild is leave them alone, no interference, and do what i can do to insure that their natural habitats are protected. beyond that, and beyond the potential occurence of contact with a wild animal, i cannot see why anyone would wish to forge relationships.

    study of the wild is for anyone, the naturalist, and is kept at the lowest risk to the wild animal and the lowest impact on the environment which the animal requires. so naturally this limits what is humanly possible as to "friendship". hell it is hard enough to be friends when human is with human, much less attempting to intimately touch a wild animal.

    truth at levels, oh my. well if truth has 99 steps, i suppose the first step is a mighty daunting undertaking, the 50th step would be like oh my god is this ever gonna end, and the 99th would be like i aint doing that again. 99 would then equal the sum of ok now what. at the very least one would have experienced true commitment i suppose, and then feel good about it.

    look at a mobius strip (sp?). after 99 steps one is still themself, a bit wiser perhaps in that they aint doing that again, and they are more satisfied with being themself as they are. beyond that, linear thought patterns always work out to a puppy chasing it's tail.

    it all seems to come DOWN to, just exactly WHAT is one's rightful business in which to attend to.

    like you said, from where you act. one should act from the present moment alone, the now within which attending to is an actuality of themself to ACT. this 'act' to include the choice of inaction which is an action by choice. if one cannot attend to the present moment, then certainly all will change in time and level, however, one has not changed at all and feels swept along without any part in the entirety of the happening. that part missed? their actual self having ACTED.

    Ghandi: "be the change you wish to see in the world"

    so if you'd like to see more folks minding their own damn business, so that they might identify the real business at hand; then actually attending to your own business is the action of choice.

    question is, what is one's rightful hand?

    I find it hard just being a friend to Me, that my Self is a maintained overall sense of what is rightfully human. my experiential evidence, baggage given in life up to now, is a pack of lies that all work at denying my rightful humanous as I am presently being.

    until such time as this given conflict is rectified, i cannot in TRUTH throw out linear thought patterns toward befriending wild animals. I mean, i'd just make a mess of that which is naturally in balance with itself, it having no baggage unless of course I gave mine to it.

    escapism would have us thinking and doing that which is none of our damn business. we needs be getting down to the nitty gritty of being our selves in the ridding of "conflictuality" and the beginning of by god actuality.

    the ladder of the magician is running like hell from their unattended to muggle/human, you can bet your arse on that. thus is the power of escaping the TRUTH by scattering it about until it is by god as unrecognizable as that poor arse muggle/human lost to self-loathing.

    conflictuality brings us all to our knees, right slap dab into just exactly what is one's rightful business to actually be attending to.


    if there is non-agreement with these statements, then so be it. i actually aint trying to win a popularity contest, and am in no way intentually being offensive to anyone.

    POWER is not my drug of choice; Love is...

    I don't ever give up:

    let the "somewhere" that Love is...Be YOU!

    For my Self, I am with Me.

    Love the One You're With:
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    "I'm no fighter, but I'm fighting, this whole world seems uninviting..."

    Avatar: Passion Baby!

    Making Love Out of Nothing @ ALL:

    Az for Me, of my Self, I am Home

  5. #395
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Tutor View Post
    hmmmm, reading back in this thread, i fail to see the switch from the wolf in a dream to an actual wolf in the wilds of earth. for me, the best friend i can be to animals in the wild is leave them alone, no interference, and do what i can do to insure that their natural habitats are protected. beyond that, and beyond the potential occurence of contact with a wild animal, i cannot see why anyone would wish to forge relationships.

    study of the wild is for anyone, the naturalist, and is kept at the lowest risk to the wild animal and the lowest impact on the environment which the animal requires. so naturally this limits what is humanly possible as to "friendship". hell it is hard enough to be friends when human is with human, much less attempting to intimately touch a wild animal.

    truth at levels, oh my. well if truth has 99 steps, i suppose the first step is a mighty daunting undertaking, the 50th step would be like oh my god is this ever gonna end, and the 99th would be like i aint doing that again. 99 would then equal the sum of ok now what. at the very least one would have experienced true commitment i suppose, and then feel good about it.

    look at a mobius strip (sp?). after 99 steps one is still themself, a bit wiser perhaps in that they aint doing that again, and they are more satisfied with being themself as they are. beyond that, linear thought patterns always work out to a puppy chasing it's tail.

    it all seems to come DOWN to, just exactly WHAT is one's rightful business in which to attend to.

    like you said, from where you act. one should act from the present moment alone, the now within which attending to is an actuality of themself to ACT. this 'act' to include the choice of inaction which is an action by choice. if one cannot attend to the present moment, then certainly all will change in time and level, however, one has not changed at all and feels swept along without any part in the entirety of the happening. that part missed? their actual self having ACTED.

    Ghandi: "be the change you wish to see in the world"

    so if you'd like to see more folks minding their own damn business, so that they might identify the real business at hand; then actually attending to your own business is the action of choice.

    question is, what is one's rightful hand?

    I find it hard just being a friend to Me, that my Self is a maintained overall sense of what is rightfully human. my experiential evidence, baggage given in life up to now, is a pack of lies that all work at denying my rightful humanous as I am presently being.

    until such time as this given conflict is rectified, i cannot in TRUTH throw out linear thought patterns toward befriending wild animals. I mean, i'd just make a mess of that which is naturally in balance with itself, it having no baggage unless of course I gave mine to it.

    escapism would have us thinking and doing that which is none of our damn business. we needs be getting down to the nitty gritty of being our selves in the ridding of "conflictuality" and the beginning of by god actuality.

    the ladder of the magician is running like hell from their unattended to muggle/human, you can bet your arse on that. thus is the power of escaping the TRUTH by scattering it about until it is by god as unrecognizable as that poor arse muggle/human lost to self-loathing.

    conflictuality brings us all to our knees, right slap dab into just exactly what is one's rightful business to actually be attending to.


    if there is non-agreement with these statements, then so be it. i actually aint trying to win a popularity contest, and am in no way intentually being offensive to anyone.

    POWER is not my drug of choice; Love is...

    I don't ever give up:

    let the "somewhere" that Love is...Be YOU!

    For my Self, I am with Me.

    Love the One You're With:
    Tim, I am happy that you did give me this long time and several turns about this wolf thing...the ground reason to my reaction was actually my father´s ignorance as parent...he never gave me right answeres to my questions, he always joked away what ever I asked him...and my reaction was that if not those who know things, hold´s away answeres from people, a situation can turn ugly and could have bean avoided if right information was you awoke my holy anger towards my childhood and it took me many years to find out all "lies" I want to call them so because it was done by my father who has the responsibillity to teach me as his child...but he and mother never saw me as a child, and I did awoke theire shortcommings and I awoke how little support they had in their childhood and they did not want to make my childhood easier....this was off course not in day knowing, but subconsious but nevetherless I awoke it and they did not want me to be smarter then ...I love my parents off course but this is how it was, I off course have cried my eyes out in years before I could see the whole generations heredittery..or what to call it...I am still in some kind of process so I have very hard to hold the thought I beg you pardon Tim if I have offended you, please understand that I am never illwill but the holy anger takes me time to time and throws me back to childhood or somewhere els where I have hardtime to get things in bear with me, please, I am only human trying to undertand life.


  6. #396
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    In the Eye of the Beholder

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    lordy ia, i am not offended. you dont need a reason to justify your words. child, we're all human trying to understand life. welcome to our collective TRUTH. please free yourself to write or have written whatever your mind and heart desire. I too have been an ignorant parent. who can see rightly without looking back on what it was from what it undeniably is. holy anger..., well what is wrong with human anger. if we as humans aint holies from our human beingness, then how can "other" ever be the HOLY of Holies?

    the only one you need, for want of, to be pardoned by, is YOU for your Self. let your lil ole Me be welcome as it is, as you are. aint nobody holding anything away from anyone, to hell with secrets. the answer lies asleep within the question, so if your anger awoke, then awake along with it. be peaceable with your self for your sake. aint no one to blame, for that which blames holds itself bound in secret as it holds everyone concerned bound.

    anger is wrong when it is disproportionate within the present moment. the past, though being presently relevant toward healing, is not actually present. therefore, is the opportunity to see it for what it is, let it go, forgive your part in it by having forgiven every part in and of it. there aint no way in hell to change it, that's a bunch of bull crap, high in the sky well wishing. the well is deep in the earth, and that depth is akin to one's inwardness feeling so far from the surface's present location of being. stand upon the ground of your present being, leave the past in the hole in the ground, fill it full of dirt and say amen. sumptin like dat

    just be yourself by letting me be me and everyone else be themselves. we are all quite full of crap, and often it is we get to be the arsehole getting rid of it. i understand, because i get angry myself, overloading the present moment with past and/or future concerns. it is what we do, and all too often find ourselves in that mess getting nothing done to any lasting affect.

    the hardest thing to be is the true self presently being. it requires self-accountability, honesty, forgiveness, and the responsibility to give away to others the same things one expects to get for one's self.

    because you feel deeply offended in your own life you also read others as either being offended or as offending you. this is akin to being blind, or blinded by your own self-misunderstandings, and has nothing to do with anyone else. this is reading to see, and what you have the opportunity to see from this mis-shapen reading is none other than you as you are. embrace this you as you are with the understanding that you seek from others and never seem to get. along this practice you will arrive at seeing to read, whereof you realize that we are all in the same boat, the same mis-shapen mess. understanding this, you will then be abled to actually be helpful towards being understanding and compassionate to others crying out in their particular wildernesses for what they can only give to themselves first. [it is not a "something" that can be faked, because it is someone that is no longer faking.]

    to be or not to be, that is the question. shakespear

    it is easy not to be, thus escaping the hardest and poor ole "to be" is left lying asleep within the question.

    the simple answer is never good enough, and when shared is apt to cause "holy anger", i reckon so.

    i love this Forum, it offers a lot. but what is offered is mediated daily by folks who administrate and moderate from the awakened perspectivity, they as praticing actualized as they can daily muster given the lives they too humanly forge. i cannot imagine sometimes how they bear with me, or us. they are quite an understanding bunch of folks.

    thank you for your honesty ia,

    I Don't Ever Give Up:

    "I'm no fighter, but I'm fighting, this whole world seems uninviting..."

    Avatar: Passion Baby!

    Making Love Out of Nothing @ ALL:

    Az for Me, of my Self, I am Home

  7. #397
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Tutor View Post
    lordy ia, i am not offended. you dont need a reason to justify your words. child, we're all human trying to understand life. welcome to our collective TRUTH. please free yourself to write or have written whatever your mind and heart desire. I too have been an ignorant parent. who can see rightly without looking back on what it was from what it undeniably is. holy anger..., well what is wrong with human anger. if we as humans aint holies from our human beingness, then how can "other" ever be the HOLY of Holies?

    the only one you need, for want of, to be pardoned by, is YOU for your Self. let your lil ole Me be welcome as it is, as you are. aint nobody holding anything away from anyone, to hell with secrets. the answer lies asleep within the question, so if your anger awoke, then awake along with it. be peaceable with your self for your sake. aint no one to blame, for that which blames holds itself bound in secret as it holds everyone concerned bound.

    anger is wrong when it is disproportionate within the present moment. the past, though being presently relevant toward healing, is not actually present. therefore, is the opportunity to see it for what it is, let it go, forgive your part in it by having forgiven every part in and of it. there aint no way in hell to change it, that's a bunch of bull crap, high in the sky well wishing. the well is deep in the earth, and that depth is akin to one's inwardness feeling so far from the surface's present location of being. stand upon the ground of your present being, leave the past in the hole in the ground, fill it full of dirt and say amen. sumptin like dat

    just be yourself by letting me be me and everyone else be themselves. we are all quite full of crap, and often it is we get to be the arsehole getting rid of it. i understand, because i get angry myself, overloading the present moment with past and/or future concerns. it is what we do, and all too often find ourselves in that mess getting nothing done to any lasting affect.

    the hardest thing to be is the true self presently being. it requires self-accountability, honesty, forgiveness, and the responsibility to give away to others the same things one expects to get for one's self.

    because you feel deeply offended in your own life you also read others as either being offended or as offending you. this is akin to being blind, or blinded by your own self-misunderstandings, and has nothing to do with anyone else. this is reading to see, and what you have the opportunity to see from this mis-shapen reading is none other than you as you are. embrace this you as you are with the understanding that you seek from others and never seem to get. along this practice you will arrive at seeing to read, whereof you realize that we are all in the same boat, the same mis-shapen mess. understanding this, you will then be abled to actually be helpful towards being understanding and compassionate to others crying out in their particular wildernesses for what they can only give to themselves first. it is something that cannot be faked, because it something that comes from what is no longer faking.

    to be or not to be, that is the question. shakespear

    it is easy not to be, thus escaping the hardest and poor ole "to be" is left lying asleep within the question.

    the simple answer is never good enough, and when shared is apt to cause "holy anger", i reckon so.

    i love this Forum, it offers a lot. but what is offered is mediated daily by folks who administrate and moderate from the awakened perspectivity, they as praticing actualized as they can daily muster given the lives they too humanly forge. i cannot imagine sometimes how they bear with me, or us. they are quite an understanding bunch of folks.

    thank you for your honesty ia,

    Thank you Tim, I am so happy it eventually did sink to the bottom so now I can breath more freely


  8. #398
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by eyeoneblack View Post
    I guess what I'm saying is we, none of us, really don't know what we need and to think we do is an illusion. So, in a way, just reach in the grab-bag and let God hand you what He knows you need.
    Hi eyeoneblack,
    I have bean meditating over this and all it comes up is my own feeling of reason that I have all I need in the now...I have enough of food, shelter, love, and I do know the reason why it is like this in my life in this moment, and I know this is not how it will be as long as I live in this form as I am now...I know that the only sure thing is in this moment I have all I need and I feel happy....I know when I am ready there will be a new job for me, but it is not time yet, I have learned to wait and keep me cool and stop I have to first learn to be in peace before all starts again, so I learn not to burn me out by stress and worry....I am not there yet, the day I get a new job I know I am ready.


  9. #399
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Well, I wish you the best on that. You should let me know if a job is something you need. In my own little way I've been known to help with things like that . It seems to me you are ready and so I'll WISH my hardest for you.
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  10. #400
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by eyeoneblack View Post
    Well, I wish you the best on that. You should let me know if a job is something you need. In my own little way I've been known to help with things like that . It seems to me you are ready and so I'll WISH my hardest for you.
    Thank you eyeoneblack...Are you showing me your double humour here..I'll WISH my hardest for you.....??


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