Last night I dreamt so strange, my childhood friend T did die about 3 yrs ago, I in my Dream was visiting her, and I was so in chock to see that she still was in same condition when she passed over...full of drugs and sleeping or she was with Eyes open but as you are when you have much drugs in your system...she was only skin and bone´s, and not able to move on her own, and she was naked...I grabbed her with my left hand on her middle back and my right hand on her stomach..and I said to her...I will move you to a Place where you can start to heal...I lifted her and carried her to a new bed and this Place I knew is for healing...I appologized her for me having so Cold hand´s and I is for your own good??

In this episod I was in a big room cusshies all over the floor...a Young man (short in length) who was very near me, we was lying down, I looked down on him and noticed he did not have any trousers and did have erection...I looked around the room and there was no door´s what so I said to him...I am not going to make love with you ...he said all...and I said at all...not now and not later and not other Place eighder...
suddenly one other male friend of mine did put a Heavy bag on my lap...he I have bought it for you...I asked what did I order from you...I opened the bag and it was an projector and a film camera...I remembered i have given him 1.500 kr..but I was so surprised that I wanted to buy this items when I am not at all interested in making film nore to photograph anything??
So this must be symbolic totally, yet I do not have a clue...