In last night dream I was sleeping high up indoors, I am not sure what place it was...I woke in the dream up when I horse did put his head against my head and I felt deep love from the horse...I opened my eyes and I darling...and we hugged and let the love flow towards each orhters....then I did a quick move and I starteled the horse...I said ...I am so sorry...and the horse went away....and I hear him sending telephaticly....I am sorry .....

In this episode there was a man who was so abusive...he tried to put me down...but I did stand my ground....he asked if he succeeded to broke me...I said...NO...I told him that I know who I am...and therefore he did not succeed....I told him that I know I am a good person...that I have good morals....and good values...and I am always saying truth...I do not have to lie.....He said...that he knew this....