ai, I believe You.

you are welcome, and thanks to you too.

Ocean Floor:

odd thing about the mouth of a river carrying loads of what isn't water, as it is received in the gaping mouth of the ocean, all of it that ain't water ends up on the ocean floor. Deborah "Swallows Back" "Bee"; as in Honey for the hardcore who weren't sufficed of Milk alone.

Jesus said, (paraphrase), "it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles one, it is what comes out of the mouth".

mouth to mouth, ya see?

a good read: The Palm Tree of Deborah:

it has been scary writing all this to you ai, even over in another thread. why? well, because my friend, to be touched just so, deeply, makes me feel in kind. I too have been through my own traumas, twice over (turned over); and in this sharing with any other that I again by choice touch it in the commonality, it is thrice born to feel; but I know now that it cant hurt me, and in feeling it a-gain, it might articulatively help others as our gain.

so i've prayed today on it, and i've wept today over it. that it for you, would as it has been for me, be twice over.

be bright, unafraid to be afraid...

Into The Day:

and in your weakness, shine...

A Little More: