I think I posted this original question in the wrong part of the forum (I was trying to type on an Iphone so I could barely read the screen.

I have had spontaneous OBE's for a good 15 years. They started during puberty, originally I didn't know what was happening until I had a joint OBE with my sister. I studied OBE's for a long time in an attempt to learn how to control them, induce them at will etc. Specifically, I used to study some of your Robert Bruce's work in my failed attempts to control them. (He was the only person that I had ever read that seemed to share my experiences of mind/body spit sensations and his original title Astral Dynamics had a chapter in it that helped me overcome a significant fear of sleeping I had developed after battling periods of horrid parasonias.

Anyway, I had a polysomnogram recently and during the polysomogram I had an out of body experience. I was not expecting it while connected to EEG etc. We will be able to tell when the OBE occurred on the Video EEG because the technician because I woke myself up multiple times trying to get the OBE's to stop. Once I get the results will I be able to learn from the data how to control my o b e? Are there specific brain wave changes? Am I think only person on here that has had an OBE during a polysomnogram (AKA Sleep study where EEG, heart monitor, breath monitors are attached?) Are there any scientific studies being done that the EEg data would be useful for?

I seem to struggle with the mind body split it is very loud, sometimes feels painful and just wish I could control it better or get it to stop. It had been a long time since I've had an involuntary OBE but I am partly excited because we caught one during a sleep study. I feel like knowing more about what they are will help me not be so afraid of them. I think I would be ok with them more if I felt like I could control them and have them on my terms. I should get my EEG data this week. I did not see any posts in here with key words EEG or polysomnogram.. Has there been any studies? It will be neat to see exactly what brain waves were there during the mind /body split then maybe I can learn how to control them. I feel like I could have more fun with it if I could relax more with it. I would love to be able to look FORWARD to going to bed at night