Last night was an interesting experience but one that was ultimately disappointing.

After a long hard work week, I had a tired body and a racing mind. It seemed like an opportune time to work on an OBE. Using the Silva 3-2-1 method, then some progressive relaxation, then three rounds of energy sponging, my body was quite relaxed and my mind was far from it. Ignoring the itches and twitches, I continued to breath deeply and expand the relaxation. After two hours of lying perfectly still, the vibrations came on strong. They raced up and down my body from head to toe and back. I was careful to relax, not wanting to kill them. After a few seconds, I felt myself begin to move but it wasn't like my normal pivot at the head motion. This felt like I was being pulled and stretched like taffy. At one point, my lungs felt compressed like I was pushing through a small hole. This didn't last very long but for a second or two, I was unable to breath. Then I popped free and could breath just fine again. Unfortunately, this is where it stopped. After all that vibration and sensation of separation, I found myself still lying there. Almost as if the separation happened but my consciousness failed to make the trip.