I attended a training course run by a renowned healer in my area at the weekend. I won't mention his name.

Anyway, this guy can do all kinds of weird things, so I asked him if he astral projects and his answer was that he used to dabble but didn't any more as it can be very dangerous. Story goes he had a stall at a psychic fair type of thing and some guy came up saying 'can you cure this?', and showed him the back of his neck where the muscle connecting under the back of his skull had completely disconnected. The guy has apparently written a book on astral projection and had in the words of the guy I was talking to 'tried to do something clever' either in or connected with the Egyptian pyramids while projecting, and received the injury as a result. I couldn't get any more of the story or the name of the guy who wrote the book because this healer was concerned he might put ideas into my head to try something stupid.

Anyone heard of this story or have an idea who the author could be?