I learned a neat technique in meditation class last night. First sit in a comfortable lotus type position. Think of the 7 chakras, their colors, and approximate position. If you like, you can mudra your thumb and forefinger together; leaving the other three fingers unbent and slightly spread.

Breathe into the first (Mulhadara) chakra, hold for a few, the inhale again. Hold the breath; letting it "absorb" into your body. Then exhale. Do this 3 times for each chakra.

When you have finished the Crown chakra., inhale into the space between the first and second chakra; then exhale. Repeat between the 2nd and 3rd chakra; and continue the proceedure, inhaling in between the remaining chakras.

For me, this made the locations of the chakras very noticable and the chakras themselves very real.
