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Thread: tried to have obe, had a vision instead?

  1. #1

    tried to have obe, had a vision instead?

    I was meditating early this morning before work. I have a sick patient that is in a coma and I had this idea that if I could project, maybe I could communicate with him on a deeper level than in the physical. I concentrated really hard on his face, imagined myself standing next to him in his hospital room and then I becan to get fleeting visions of people . It ended with a "vision" of a hallway as if I was standing right outside his room and looking toward the waiting room window glass where someone was moving around on the other side. I would say these visions are.very fleeting and last a few seconds. At least I'm making progress in something new.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Pittsburgh, Pa

    Re: tried to have obe, had a vision instead?

    Hallo lamommy
    Those visions that you saw were probably what is known as hypnagogic images (HI). HI are the pre-visions that eventually coalesce and form into full dreams. In fact one way to become lucid in a dream is to attempt to stay awake and watch as those visions Do become a full dream (with dreamscape, dream characters, a story plot, audio, et al). This is known as the W.I.L.D. (or Wake Induced Lucid Dream) , method. So, even though you did not manage to get out of body you Are 'making progress' in the related and parallel activity of HI and lucid dreaming.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
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    Re: tried to have obe, had a vision instead?

    To add to what Grey said, you were in the pre-projection state, were this close. Shifted or on the shift, but not separated.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #4

    Re: tried to have obe, had a vision instead?

    Thanks for the replies. I'm going to keep working at it. I will definitely post if I make further progress.

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