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Thread: Curse removing vs. stopping attack

  1. #1

    Curse removing vs. stopping attack

    Hello, everyone. How are you?

    Down to the bones realist, I'm exploring now a possibility that the life long problems ("all life paths are closed" type) could be a curse from unknown source, likely family curse.

    Search for psychic self defense lead me to R. Bruce book, then to this website and forum.

    So far, it seems to me that they are different, mechanism for removing curse (magi, chaos magic, wicca, Greek terms, or asking Goddess, Tarot) and stopping manifestations of acute attack of Negs (here). Is this conceptual difference, and curses don't exist, or I just couldn't find related material?

    Point me in a right direction, please.

  2. #2
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    Re: Curse removing vs. stopping attack

    I'm not sure if I understood the question, so I'll 'kind of' answer what I think I got:

    Are you saying that you've had a lifelong problem that you now are starting to think is a curse?

    And, is the question why are neg problems different than a curse, for example?

    The short answer would be, that most *wildlife type* neg problems are associated with places or people being interfered with by entities that are usually elemental and twodimensional, and feed off energy associated with our reaction to them- in this sense the damage is psychological (that is, they will try to scare you in different ways, for example) and then feed off this fear (or suffering, etc.) it can be physical because of course stress affects your body, and not sleeping affects your body, etc.
    The reason that certain types of countermeasures work for 'wildlife' type-negs is because these are designed to interrupt or block their ability to manifest; things like running water, scented oils, salt, and other things like that will help in that regard.

    When it comes to something more complex like a curse, there are other types of manifestations- a curse is basically created/driven by a person (the original curser) who has utilized their God-given creative ability to hurt another person, and the agency in which this curse is delivered can be manifold; there is the anger (energy) of the situation that caused the curse in the first place- karma incurred in the give and take of energy in the original transaction; the fear felt by the original 'cursee'; and how things like thoughtforms can be transferred down a line, if they can. These things are more complicated than a 'garden variety' neg.

    So that to handle a 'family curse', the most ideal thing would be to find out what happened originally, how it was delivered, how things have or may have changed since the original transaction, and how to break it in a way that satisfies everyone involved, including the original curser if possible.

    So it's a whole lot more complicated, it's a layered situation.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: Curse removing vs. stopping attack

    Thank you, this gives a good food for thought and start point for a future search.

    Only I can't imagine how it would be possible to find out how it happened, why, and who were involved... Hoped, maybe there is a way to break free without this unknown information.

  4. #4

    Re: Curse removing vs. stopping attack

    I am in the same boat it seems...a hereditary curse.
    I have no idea how to find out the source so how do I rid myself of it??
    It seems to be a contraction in my nervous system which manifests as muscle stiffness all over. I have always
    attributed it to child abuse, but lately I have been introduced to the idea that it may be a curse or entity of some kind. It never goes away, and it changes very little. My only other symptoms are occasional nightmares in which I am trying to escape but feel paralyzed or move in slow motion. I have tried many new age therapies, nutritional remedies, etc. without benefit. It's like a strait-jacket. I'm not a worry wart either. This thing exists deep inside of me somewhere, and I don't know for sure what it is, or how to get rid of it.

    Should I seek out a black or white magician? Does it take a black magician to remove a black curse? How do I find such a person, and how do to tell if the person or coven is trustworthy? Where can I find the best info on this subject?

    thanks for help

  5. #5
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    Re: Curse removing vs. stopping attack

    I'm not familiar with this subject. I might take this out of context, so I'll paraphase, when the Bible speaks of "The sins of the Fathers--to the 7th generation" Well, these can be broken on your own. Remember, like attracts like. Are you hanging out with a crowd you shouldn't be? Do you have evil things around your house? Get rid of them; your mind may prevent you from doing so, if you're not aware of the connection. Are you hanging out in lower realms?

    Do positive things. Positive things also go generation to generation. Thats how positive thinking works. Tell the entities you're through with them. Reflect/meditate, get rid of "bad" thinking, friends, and objects. Like attracts like. Also, remember your thoughts are not you; and you can pick up another's thoughs as your own; which you may act upon.

    Don't think negative; however, there is a Karma to live through. Doing for others can negate a lot of "bad" Karma.


  6. #6

    Re: Curse removing vs. stopping attack

    Raphael, for what it's worth - I'm new to anything metaphysical, psychic ans magickal - there is what within two weeks helped me with continuous nightmares (not night terrors with paralysis) and made better the reaction of all other people to me:

    First, R. Bruce's book recommendations: showers (running water) with sea salt, mega salt bath, repeatedly, as feel needed; sleeping deep grounded (Earthing TM through the electric outlet grounding, checked for safety by their device) and being grounded all the time one can be grounded; cleansing of everything, including myself and new and used items I brought home; rosemary air refresher spraying; airing rooms as much as possible, spring cleaning; eating garlic on regular basis, applying Tiber Balm-alike on the feet each evening, taping HDD magnets to the feet and problematic areas for each night, air purifier as a source of noise at night; imagining cleansing home and myself by electric violet fire, regularly.

    From this forum: large bowl of running water under bed, with aquarium pump immersed, creates running water and adds slight noise; glass of water for a night near the head, first thing in the morning to pour it out into the drain using left hand; using gemstones (they are cheap and readily available) during the sleep and during the day (see gem or crystal magick on the internet for details).

    From Internet: using black tourmalines as full protection from any kind of magick, reflecting back at the source, keeping them on myself all the time t both sides, right and left; hematite as stopping any magick around you, in the pocket during the day, under pillow during the night. Clear quartz, rose quartz, citrine and some other gems in the room. And persistently letting appearing negative thoughts pass through me, as a wind, without stopping.

    From Jason Miller's "Protection and Reversal Magick": mediation "I'm a breath", few times each day, talismans (cleansed and charged): equal cross from iron, hamsa hand, evil eye protection blue beads with eyes bracelet, placing live plants and fresh egg in the bedroom to take attack on themselves instead of you. No involvements with ancient spirits, though, as was cautioned in Mr. Bruce book.

    About lifting curse: I can't afford hiring prana healer or magisckian, so can't say, but few days ago found a book that maybe would help: Diana Burney's " Spiritual clearings". What is different from others, says it could be full lifetime, in all areas, all levels, all sources, past reincarnations, karma, and broken vows cleansing. Involves asking for help known positive forces like archangels, ritual should be repeated regularly or it wouldn't work. I know that it's better not to dabble with occult, but I have to do something with the main problem, a curse (hex, crossing), so I started.

    I hope you will find soon what will help you.
    Good luck!
    Grounded be.

  7. Re: Curse removing vs. stopping attack

    i have no experience with curses, but i always try to work on these levels anything to do with magic/energy be it negative energy (negs) or positive

    1. Physical Body - Diet (Sattvic Veggetarian = helps to greatly reduce negative thoughts; No overeating; While eating - thanking Universe for giving you food, and your body for taking it) Exercise (Yoga: Hatha & Prana, 30 mins twice a day can do magic. Let me know if you want to know a beginner's routine for yoga, I'l post a link to article. Yoga cleans the spiritual body & its energy)
    2. Mental Body (mind) - (Positive Affirmations/Praying (whether its specific, or if its just nice music with, meditations)
    3. Energy Body - this forum and Robert's teachings.
    4. Magical - this forum and other sources

    if we think of everything in the universe being connected and being a one mechanism, then so is a 'person' being made up of many levels (like many parts of a car, we can fix the engine but if the wheels are twisted we won't get very far).

    let your work on one level help your work on the next level

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