Quote Originally Posted by Beekeeper View Post
Yes, it crossed my mind. That's not to say that each person creates his own deceivers. The Archarchon, for example, is a collective creation.

Still doesn't explain physical evidence such as implants.
Well IO don't think there's any one end all explanation for the ufo phenamena, some of it is like is speculated here, negs and tulpas masquerading as aliens. But I also think alot of ufo's are genuine travelers from other places either extra terrestrial, extra dimensional or even both.

Thats not to say that just because a ufo leaves behind physical evidence it rules out the tulpa explanation, personally I believe it is possible for people to manifest other physical beings on the physical plane. In the occultist E A Koettings book Ipssissimus he relates an experience where one of his teachers manifested apples in the desert which they could eat. There have been other stories like this, even in the bible, moses turning a staff into a snake for example. An apple is a living thing, a part of a plant. If it is possible to physically manifest an apple how much of a leap would it be to create a full living animal or even a person in the same way? I think that thought forms people make on the astral plane are lesser examples of this that most of the time never fully integrate with our existence because the energy behind them is too weak.

Anyway regarding the ruling elite being possibly controlled by negs or other non human intelligences. I have a theory about why this may occur. To be fully possessed a person must willingly offer themselves to an entity. In exchange for doing so under these cercumstances the person will receive some knowledge and power from that enetity. Then after a certain period of time the entity will be excorcised from that person. I have seen enough reason to believe the elite are involved in the occult so it wouldnt be far fetched if they tried doing this. But perhaps they didn't quite know what they were doing and never fully exorcise the entities influence from their lives after it has happened. Perhaps this is how it started long ago, and now it has become tradition within their groups to bond with entities in this way? Of course this is all speculation on my part which may or may not be true, but it would explain some of the stories I have heard.

Of course I also believe that it is the people who put these criminals in power, so any messes they make are just as much the rest of our responsibility as it is theirs.