Last week I was in a pretty good trance (trying for an OOBE). I was getting some of the signs I've read about (sinking feeling, energy waves moving along my body). My wife walked in and gently tried to 'wake me up'.

She first put a finger on my leg (around my ankle). It felt a little odd when she touched me, like I was made of liquid. Then she did the same thing on my chest. This time it really felt like I was made of liquid and I felt 'ripples' move out from the spot she touched me at.

Is that me sensing her touch with an energy body? Was I partially 'out'? I'm a 'young-in' when it comes to projecting as I have only done it consciously one time (20 years ago). I just thought this was a neat sensation and if I could have said something at that moment (especially without breaking the trance) I would have told her to run her hand length-wise over me.