After a long run of partial exits and increasingly lower vibrations, exit cues, etc...I think I just made a wonderful personal discovery I'll be adding to my routine going forward: yoga.

I took my first yoga class last night after taking a year off. We didn't really push too hard, just lots of core stretches, centering, and balancing stuff.

Today, working up in my meditation room, I began to grow tired and so I sat in the chair I use for practicing exits. Within five minutes I experienced a heart chakra strobe like I've never had, very powerful and lasting for at least 2 to 3 minutes followed by a brow chakra strobe. Full body vibrations where before I had them localized. I wasn't planning on doing an exit attempt, so I had crawled into my chair with headphones on and Eckhart Tolle's book on, so he was talking the whole way through, which I think made separation impossible since it was a strong point of physical/mental contact grounding me to my body. Ugh. I really think this would've been my long awaited exit had I done this right.

However, the bigger picture here is that I believe the yoga I did last night must've kicked something into gear. Nothing else has changed in my routine. As I write this I'm still cold and can barely focus my eyes.

Soooo close.

Yoga is going in the arsenal.

Have a great weekend all,
