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Thread: William Buhlman Cd's

  1. #11

    Re: William Buhlman Cd's

    Thanks for posting that Sirius! Glad to hear you had a neat experience with them already. I'll most likely be buying them soon. Been so busy with work and family I have only tried to project 1 time in the last week and a half.
    Just like us, even the Masters had to take the first step.

  2. #12

    Re: William Buhlman Cd's

    Mine arrived today. I'll start working with them tomorrow..
    "We are spirits in the material world" Sting. The Police.

  3. #13

    Re: William Buhlman Cd's

    Quote Originally Posted by Neil Templar View Post
    Mine arrived today. I'll start working with them tomorrow..
    Very nice! I look forward to hearing about your experiences with them.
    Just like us, even the Masters had to take the first step.

  4. #14

    Re: William Buhlman Cd's

    Well,interesting little experience a few minutes ago...while lying listening to the first cd, i am pretty tired today, so was drifting in an out of consciousness... i found myself in front of a "computer" screen, where i was manipulating software that allowed me to edit music and vocals in real time. (this is a common event IRL for me) I could hear Buhlmann's vocals, and could see the waveform related to them displayed onscreen.. My Mum and (deceased) Aunt came out of nowhere (i was in a kinda grey void, rather than a room), and stood behind me as i messed around creating loops of sound with the software...(except, i could still hear Buhlmann's vocals continuing, not looping. so i was wondering what wasn't quite working with this program)
    "We are spirits in the material world" Sting. The Police.

  5. #15
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    Re: William Buhlman Cd's

    Been listening to the second Cd and I find it even more informative than the first one. Its really nice to hear Williams explanations and views on things instead of always reading about it. He talks about many things I have never heard of on CD 3 to.
    I recently tried the spiral method which basically is a visualization method in where you imagine a lake in which you eventually float and it then beginns to turn in a spiral to build up a whirlpool. This technique gave me really strong sensations of gravity and floating etc. And I actually found the visualisations to be very easy to maintain with Williams guidance. Easier than I'v ever felt before.
    So far its been only positive experiences for me.

  6. #16
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    Re: William Buhlman Cd's

    ST, would you write up this technique and post it in the 'exit technique' or 'energy body loosening' technique section? I've never heard of it and it sounds promising. You can give credit, since the techs are for people to have for their 'tech arsenal'.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #17

    Re: William Buhlman Cd's

    Wow! i'm listening to CD 5 right now, and he's giving some pretty powerful advice/ techniques concerning karma/ past lives/ getting over limiting belief systems. I'll take some notes and write it up in a bit...
    "We are spirits in the material world" Sting. The Police.

  8. #18

    Re: William Buhlman Cd's

    Sounds awesome! Have to make sure to get this one on the Holiday list.
    Just like us, even the Masters had to take the first step.

  9. #19
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    Re: William Buhlman Cd's

    ST, would you write up this technique and post it in the 'exit technique' or 'energy body loosening' technique section? I've never heard of it and it sounds promising. You can give credit, since the techs are for people to have for their 'tech arsenal'.
    Sure thing, will do that!


  10. #20
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    Re: William Buhlman Cd's

    Thanks. It 'sort of' reminds me of the 'floating up from the bottom of a pool' technique, but with more detail. I will try it.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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