I normaly dont do this. and I'm not desperate but, I would like to ask anyone willing to help heal my old man of his pain/illness. I'm studing the mystic heart center healing exercies to be a healer and i sometimes get the "hands on" exp when I'm messageing his ankle which si fused to the side of his foot.

anyway, my father and a serious of issues atm, hsi biggest is chron's disease. he also has some joints fused together as well. the biggest issues I have is, I can't get him to do s***. I've recorded tai chi videos on veria's whats the alternative about this woman who cured her cancer useing tai chi. he doesn't practice or try it at all.

I've shown him videos of eft and printed out a manual, he taps in one spot a few times then says it doesn't work and eveyone who says it cured them are liers.

I've thought about showning him and my step mom "the power of now" but it's always the same old story, he doesn't give it a try, he might dip his toe in then says 'no go' and she is too worried about "what religon it is".

I'm listening to them right now in the next room, her asking him "whats wrong" as if we didn't know and him getting more and more stressed out/sick.

if someone can just offer him alittle relief, i dunno maybe that will be enough to get the ball rolling.