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Thread: Partially split, legs and arms out, but stuck

  1. #1

    Partially split, legs and arms out, but stuck

    I often wake up partially split with my astral arms and legs sticking out every which way and no matter what I do I can't fully exit. It is as if my spine is stuck. I can't even rotate inside the physical body. What can I do to fix this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Sunny Climes
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    Re: Partially split, legs and arms out, but stuck

    You can try doing sponging on the stuck part of you when it's happening, or you can try dumping heavy elements off your energy body before you go into the deep trance, as part of your meditation. (Heavy elements being water and earth).
    Or absorbing light elements, like air.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: Partially split, legs and arms out, but stuck

    stretch out one of your hands, ask a helper to pull you out, works for me if I cannot get out myself (which does not happen anymore but it happened in the beginning a lot, then the helpers did what they are there for - they helped)
    This collector of useless clutter.

  4. #4

    Re: Partially split, legs and arms out, but stuck

    I usually grab onto whatever happens to be nearby and pull myself out.

  5. #5

    Re: Partially split, legs and arms out, but stuck

    Thank you for the replies

    @CFTraveler: I grounded my metal bed by connecting a copper wire to a radiator and maybe that has something to do with being stuck (earth).

    @Volgerie: I'm a bit stubborn and don't like to ask for help, but.. after about what felt like 20 min. and some 10 different attempts I did ask for help. Someone pushed down on my legs (that were sticking straight up) and pulled on my hands (lol! which were also sticking straight up) to sit me up. I also felt someone lift me out of bed, but I was soon back where I started.

    @defectron: Thanks, I will try that next time.

  6. #6

    Re: Partially split, legs and arms out, but stuck

    Quote Originally Posted by Cielo View Post
    @Volgerie: I'm a bit stubborn and don't like to ask for help, but.. after about what felt like 20 min. and some 10 different attempts I did ask for help. Someone pushed down on my legs (that were sticking straight up) and pulled on my hands (lol! which were also sticking straight up) to sit me up. I also felt someone lift me out of bed, but I was soon back where I started.
    It seems to me that despite asking for help your subconscious still resists it, it is like s.o. is trying to drag you by grabbing you at one hand but with your other hand (controlled by your subconscious) you still cling to the bed or body and do not want to be moved.
    This is certainly not easy to solve as some kind of distrust in help from outside seems to be deeply rooted and must be overcome for it to work (I had my issues with that, too). I don't know any exact advice now how to go on with this strategy, just maybe you should try to work on your belief system and affirm to you that outside helpers are really there for your own good, which, I admit, is not always easy because "being handled" like this and not to have full control of the experiecne all the time can be difficult for people. Maybe you could call out to your helpers in advance by doing affirmations and tell yourself that you trust them. But I don't know if it works, but it might be worth a try though.
    This collector of useless clutter.

  7. #7

    Re: Partially split, legs and arms out, but stuck

    @Volgerle: I tend to be a bit cautious because of past OBE experiences. There is someone I trust and maybe he can help.

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