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Thread: Effects of energy work on relationships.

  1. #1
    2623 Guest

    Effects of energy work on relationships.

    Hi everybody,

    Let me first say that I've been away from this site for a couple of years. I used to visit daily, and this site had taught me a lot, but I've kind of of went off on my own, though have still been very heavy into energy work, and practice it more or less perpetually, in one form or another.

    Recently, and maybe not so recently if I really think about it, I've been making some odd observations about peoples interations and or reactions to me, things I say, and I guess my behaviour in general.

    It's been nothing major, I don't think, but the only way I can summarize it is that I feel completely out of sync with people I work with, and to a lesser extend, friends and family. It's not so much that people react to what I say or do, but that they almost seem to not be unable to receive my communication, in a sense. (I'm struggling to articulate, so please bear with me. )

    It's hard to quantify the situations, as they range from mundane conversations to in-depth political & philosophical discussions, but in many cases there is a very obvious, sudden detachment between myself and the person or persons involved. I can understand this in the deeper conversations, but in many cases it's a very simple statement that seems to be almost nonexistent to the people I'm talking with. Whether it's a simple suggestion made at work, or a direct statement made to a good friend, it seems like they are able to continue on as if the statement was never made. In some cases, another person will make the same suggestion a few minutes later and it's received with enthusiasm from the group. This, of course, is extremely frustrating, though I always keep this to myself. In many cases, there is an awkward pause (at least for me), where people seem to get almost a confused look on their face - as if they are deciding whether, or how to accept the statement, and then they kind of continue on as if it's been rejected as an error of sorts (sorry, I'm a computer guy and that's the best description I can offer).

    So, I'm wondering if anybody has experienced this, and if so, how they deal with it? I've considered that with all of my energy work, etc over the past couple of years, I've raised my base frequency above many of those with whom i associate, but this seems a little self serving to me and is probably just my ego coming up with an explanation, but I'm at a loss otherwise.

    It's not become a huge issue in my life yet, but I can feel it becoming more significant as time goes on. I'd love some help! Hopefully this place is still as kind and helpful as I remember it was.

    Thank you!

  2. #2
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    Re: Effects of energy work on relationships.

    This used to happen to me at my old job, not as drastically as your example- I'd make a recommendation to my boss, he'd nod in agreement, and then, hours later, he'd come up from ruminating and give the same idea I'd just had, as if he'd come up with it. It was not malicious, and I suspect it was my fault (I wasn't projecting enough of my will when I'd talk to him), but usually I'd call him on it and he'd suddenly remember it.
    Like I said, this was not 'on purpose', because sometimes he'd tell me about this great idea, and when I reminded him of our past conversation, he'd have a lightbulb moment and apologize for it.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: Effects of energy work on relationships.

    I was coupled, and after some years of energy work and a hard meditation routine my relationship blew out.

  4. #4
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    Re: Effects of energy work on relationships.

    I've experienced it in much the way as CF and I've seen others experience it and spoken up for them. It seems to be a status thing sometimes but, on the whole, it's because people tend to be very self-preoccupied.

    I totally agree with CF's comment about projecting your will when you speak. It's just another way to be conscious really.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  5. #5
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    Re: Effects of energy work on relationships.

    I thought I'd add, you can kind of harness this "invisibility" energy when it suits you (and it suits me fairly often ). This is less about will and more about conviction but it is something you learn from the experience of feeling like "Neville Nobody."
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  6. #6
    2623 Guest

    Re: Effects of energy work on relationships.

    Thanks for the responses... much appreciated.

    You do raise some good points around not projecting my will enough, and I guess this is something I've always known I need to work on. Couple this with being a bit of a mumbler / quiet talker at times and it's only amplified.

    I guess if I take anything out of this, it's not to place blame on others for not as accommodating to my communication style as I'd like, but to rather ensure that I'm communicating in a way effective for the situation / persons involved. And to not make judgments when I'm grumpy..

    As to the "invisibility" energy comment, I have, on occasion, tried to surround myself with this sort of energy, when I just didn't feel like dealing with people. Is it possible this could linger and needs to be manually cleansed, or something along those lines? Or do you mean this is more of an involuntary things - such as when you're feeling vulnerable, or uncomfortable?

  7. #7
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    Re: Effects of energy work on relationships.

    I think it's an "all of the above". Sometimes it's an advantage to 'blend with surroundings', and sometimes it's not, but if one gets into a habit of doing it, it can become involuntary, as all habits tend to.
    Once you become aware of what you are capable of, though, you can overcome it. Mindfulness is important, as usual.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #8
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    Re: Effects of energy work on relationships.

    Personally I can say that I have begun to think about that I don't share as much interests with many people around me anymore since I began traveling down the road of spirituallity. I feel that geneally people (at least here) are very materialistic and not at all interested in what I am interested in anymore (which is'nt that strange offcource). I feel that a distance is growing and I am very happy that this community exist so that I can at least write and read about this. I have also noticed that I tend to speak alot to those i hold closest about spiritual matter etc. and they can tire fast if I don't stop in time, and as I could spend several hours duscussing it. Here in Sweden spirituallity is often regarded as nothing worthwhile to think about as science generally is the main religion over here.
    Interesting post however and it makes me wonder if my energy work have had any impact on me to.

    Last edited by SiriusTraveler; 20th December 2011 at 10:55 AM.

  9. #9
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    Re: Effects of energy work on relationships.

    Linus, this might change as you get older (and they do too). I find the more I go into these things the more connected I feel to others. This isn't so much the level of sharing everything I experience or suspect, that would only ever happen with a few people, but more on a feeling of compassion for what it is we all experience while living and respect for the spiritual being within that human.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  10. #10

    Re: Effects of energy work on relationships.

    It may just be that you aren't confident enough in the way you present your ideas and voice your opinions. Are you a confident person? Do you speak loudly and clearly? Those are questions you need to ask yourself. Also, keep in mind that many people are self-centered. They'll just wait for you to finish talking so they can talk. That's why I value friends that are good listeners.

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