I'd like to think it has ,to some extent, to do with surrounding energes. But I have'nt researched it. My intuition just tells me that if you live in an environment that drains alot of energy etc. that will have an impact on your energy to.

In an affirmation text in MAP (can't remember which week) it says something about that one should release the negative energies stored which have been drawn in from the surroundings throughout the day, and release it as a healing effect. Not that text but it translates into something like that. And that makes me think of the above I wrote.

Perhaps this is a factor you'v already thought about.

I also know that when I am to physically tired nothing works for me when trying to do energy work and so on. I have also read that grounding can be used to sort of reset your energy body. To take the mind of spiritual matters and just take a long walk in the forrest could be a good way to ground oneself and to get back on the right energy paths (excuse my english )