Hello!!! I know astral projection is a complicated subject and there
are some experiences I had that I would want to ask about.

One thing that happens to me often for about a year(since I ve started trying APs)
is when I go to sleep, between sleep and wake state I think I grasp images of the
room I am into. That would be astral images... For example with half open eyes I m
watching the closet then I m in a state watching the closet but in an 'astral image'
and then I wake up wondering if that was a hallucination... This happens many times
while trying to sleep. Is this astral projection???

Another thing is while drifting into sleep I often 'see' images 'becoming alive'... chaotic
images nothing specific.

Something else, about a month ago I was in a state between sleep and wakefulness when
I could feel energy being gathered above my physical body and pulling me upward...
Is this the way to do a real-time projection???
It was the only time I clearly felt that energy seperate from me while it was accumulating.

Thank you