Hi all...am a newbie on this site, just wanted to relate personal experience as far as healing goes...
From my teenage years on, I discovered I have this innate capacity to trigger cathartic events in people that need it. It's innate...nothing I've developed myself...its always been there, and I didn't even notice it for what it was until I got older.
I remember being at a party as a teenager, sitting on the couch beside somebody I was vaguely familiar with, but was not part of my "clique". I'd be sitting there, minding my own business, smoking/drinking/whatever, when the guy beside me would start talking...telling me details of his horrific childhood, or some event at home with his girlfriend/father/mother/siblings/whomever...telling me details conveyed with such intense personal angst that, out of respect, I'd let the person give me this dark piece of his personal life...after he stopped talking, I could sense relief, and I remember thinking to myself, "What the hell was that all about?"
As years went by, I realized I have this something that without their being aware of it, people that need to release some inner turmoil, use me as a catharisis experience...I don't actually do anything to help them, other than just LISTEN...and that usually is what they needed.
Reading, listening to others, observing...I know I am not the only one now with this odd abilit, and just recently I was blown away when my teenage daughter told me of an odd experience she had. She said she was riding on a bus going downtown to do a bit of shopping, and was sitting by this older gentleman that she had never met before in her life. Out of the blue, this guy turns to her and starts pouring out details about his life...where in Europe he was from, coming to Canada, feeling alone, problems fgetting work...all sorts of details. My daughter had the initial reaction I had...she was quietly sitting there, nodding her head, and letting this guy get it all out, but was wondering what the heck it was about...she didn't know this guy from Adam!
I told her about my experiences/observations, and we both thought it was cool we had this weird LISTEN gene that let us help people just by letting them talk!
I'm new here...saw this forum, and thought I'd put this out...so there...