Quote Originally Posted by Korpo View Post
I don't know what you've heard about angels, but from my experience they will either work with you or not. No harm there.
Well there is this story http://www.evocationmagic.com/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=3448 , I have heard from other sources as well that Enochian angels at least can be dangerous.

There's also indirect danger, though this applies to working with any sort of entity, in that if you want it to do a task for you, if you don't make certain specifications it might fullfill the task in way that isn't how you wanted. From what I have heard entities will usually just pick the easiest way in fullfilling a task unless other wise specified and the easiest way is not always nessecerily the right way.

So overall what I'm saying is while there's alot of good rewards with this sort of thing you always need to use caution. If anyone is interested in trying to summon something I would recommend the books "summoning spirits" and "evoking eternity" as those both do a pretty good job explaining things.