I would like to note that In my experience a myoclonic jerk is a spiritual attack. Take this as you will and find out the truth for yourself. Its difficult to realize truth sometimes when their are so many lies...

- recently was falling asleep after doing lots of energy work. Felt strong pulling sensation in my saccral chakra that has been closed ( I've been on a kind of sexual hiatus for spiritual reasons and had a few other things occur that I don't want to talk about) and saw what I believe would be considered a neg ( I prefer the term hubris) ... well I jerked away and fell asleep again into a short obe. In the obe I flew out into the street below and went up to this man and felt like I was spiritually communicating with him then abruptly woke up.

- usually when I do heavy energy work and if I sleep inside then I will have these but if I sleep outside they tend not to occur ( I believe this is because there is more positive energy outside and that most buildings and people that I encounter seem to be hubris/ negs)

- myoclonic Jerks are similar to muscle twitches and spasms which are common during energy work and are said to be the result of clearing "blockages"

-from my own observations it seem to me that all itching especially sharp pricks and needle like stabbing sensations are negative energy attacks and they get progressively stronger with the myoclonic jerk as a very strong attack (which is why I would say they freak people out- but fearing is not good as fear is powerful energy fear God but don't fear the lying loser dark side and the truth will set you free)

I just wanted to share these observations of mine. Some days it all seems very clear to me and others my mind is clouded. I realize the adversary definitely wants my mind to be confused and cloudy because it operates on the principle of a lie and it needs me to believe the lie for flit to be effective so there is a certain element of protection in having faith and a higher power for sure but its always important to know the truth ad I said and explore the darker things in life. Take this as you will

And for further clarification a bit of philosopy:

Reality is indistinguishible from a dream and waking up is indistinguishable from a false awakening everything is an experience to realize higher truth and become lucid/ enlightened