What a nightmare last night! It started as a dream. My family and I were at a resort on an exotic island. Our cabin was far from the beach, very far, but all of a sudden my mom got our attention and pointed that the water has come very close. I looked and the waves were washing just few feet away from us. At that moment we looked around and saw that the ocean level has risen so drastically that only a small portion of the island was still above. There was a hill side with statues on the top, Greek garden like. We ran to the top of the hill with other people, but the water started closing on us rapidly. I climbed on one of the statues and when the water started touching my feet, I really started panicking and at that time, in great disbelieve that this was happening, I said to my self. “This is too bizarre, it can’t be happening. I just want to wake up. Please let this be a dream, please”. I have a tremendous fear of drowning and as I started anticipating the lack of air I was about to experience, I started pinching myself on both arms, desperately wanting to wake up. Nothing happened, then I gave a command “ I am out of body and I am flying” And so I did, I lifted myself up above the ocean and that reassured me that I was indeed OBEing. As much as I enjoy every OBE opportunity, this time I was so frightened, that I gave the command wake up.