Quote Originally Posted by rf396 View Post
Clarvoyance and OBE's share one crucial element in common. They BOTH require raising your vibrations to move or act in the spirit world. Its possible that in working on the clarvoyance element that you are using a great deal of energy and are not left with enough supply to get OB. Try dedicating a week to OBE and a week to connecting to spirit off an on that may help. Also, you are not a fraud by NOT GETTING ANYTHING. Just stay with it. If you WANT it. it will happen.
Hi. rf396 ,thanks for that. I think your probably right about the energy depletion. Even through the day I,m feeling really tired, and I,m not sleeping well at all.
Get your point about NOT GETTING ANYTHING. I think what I should have said was that I feel that by telling the group about some of my OBE experiences( and they would all love to experience the same), and what I pick up at the moment of waking, I then feel I'm making up any visualisations when we go round class.(a bit like being a fraud)

Korpo, thanks, They encourage closing down at night. But that is my most productive time,and as for what do I hope to achieve from OBEs? Captain Kirk and the Star Ship Enterprise comes to mind. But seriously discovering what is out there can bring excitment into a fairly mundane, routine life.

Did get a bit of a shock this am. Just looking in to the blackness of the eye, just starting to drift away when I,m sure a 1" black figure shaped like a man appeared in the top right hand corner of my vision. It scared me and I felt myself jump and fully woke up.It was as if he just jumped into the scene, but then I may have imagined it and this isn't the proper section for this so I'll finish. Thanks