I am experimenting with mugwort tea to enhance dreams and try to increase lucidity. For the last two nights I have drank a small pot of mugwort and valerian tea and taken melatonin. I also made a small mugwort sachet to place in my pillowcase. Maybe its the power of suggestion and desire, but the results have been phenomenal thus far. The first night I remembered about ten dreams. The second night I had many dreams, but I also had hypnogogic imagery instantly upon closing my eyes after being awakened for a few minutes. I also became lucid in my dream. But the first thing I said when I became lucid was, " I want to talk to God" and I floated up out of the house I was in to an unknown place that I have since forgotten. I don't know why I didn't say take me somewhere beautiful or show me so and so...but show me God? Not sure why I said that I'm hoping for another lucid night tonight.