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Thread: Relation between negative masturbation and anger projected at me

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    Relation between negative masturbation and anger projected at me

    I have been reading a lot about masturbation, but unfortunatley there is always a lot of contradicting information, i never tought it was so hard to find reliable information about this. (by the way i will only explain what i mean by negative masturbation, in PM)

    I would really like to be able to talk by PM someone here that understands more or less about this matter and the relation to energy/methaphysics, because the problem i have is that i seem almost like a "magnet" of misunderstoodings with other people, maybe it's because of the literal thinking i have since i suspect i am asperger, but ever since i had this job in 2007 it's becoming too much, i am being bombarded by tons of anger and negativity at my job in a daily basis, i am starting to suspect that it's possible that the type of tv media i watch (for example, wrestling, animes based on fighting like dragon ball z) or videogames like to i play (first person shooters, survival horror) but the problem here is the unsual sexual desires i have MIGHT be responsible for the unsual amount of situations of angry people with me (SPECIALLY with the case of my current boss since 2007), and i can't do anything to get rid of these desires or even the tv media and videogames (it's obssessive compulsive desire, even tough it's mostly the sexual desire, the tv media and video games not so much), supressing them definetly is a bad idea, and not "feeding" them isn't a solution either, they just stay dormant for a while, i don't know what to do anymore to stop liking these things and to stop attracting so much anger to me by the law of attraction. Yes because most of these things i WANT to stop liking i just don't know how!

    Unfortunately i can't give more details about the sexual desires for obvious reasons, this is why i need someone to PM me so that i can give more details i NEED to know once and for all if what i am doing is indeed attracting lots of negative energys to me or not.
    Last edited by Cesm; 8th June 2012 at 07:22 PM.

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