Hi guys my name is kenny and I have been interested in 6th sense abilities for a while now. I recently started listening to a radio show called coast to coast am where they talk about various abilities like ap, one's, remote viewing, and many other abilities but I was drawn to astral projection and prospect of reaching my higher self and purifying myself and maybe help. Others if I can. For the past few months I've been improving my diet, taking a good variety of vitamins, exspecialy ones for improved brain function. I originally started out with stimulating my pineal gland through focus and its been pretty successful. Lights, flashes of light while focusing my 6th chairs and quite a few times now if heard cracks and popping inside my head. And bright bright light and and intense vibrations that gave me a start at first. I've been taping a magnet with the north pole above my eyes.over my 6th chakra. (Its said to stimulate your pineal gland) while im awake and at work and it gives me tingles and popping in my head through out the day that's seems to be able to loosen me up and im able to focus and slip into relaxation and the lights and vibrations and I also just downloaded binary beats that are supposed to help you ease into astral projection.. I guess what I wanted to ask currently is that. Does anyone know about using magnets to help with the projections and are the binary beats useful at all. The magnets do stimulate my pineal gland and has made me more receptive to it but I don't know if I should try to project with them. im very excited to join you in the either and this is an awesome sight that I will hopefully be posting my dreams and travels on soon.