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Thread: Help anybody..

  1. Exclamation Help anybody..

    hey guys im new and just joined and needed some help. I feel stuck and not being able to progress. I have yet to have a full blown conscious experience yet but i do practice a couple times a day and i seem to always get the exit symptoms but i dont ever seem to be able to exit my physical body. Can somebody anybody give me some tips or pointers. please feel free to share it will be greatly appreciated

    much love thank you
    Happy is the being who is conscious of their spiritual needs.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    In a dream, somewhere finding my way home

    Re: Help anybody..

    Hello InnaVision,

    Are you using MAP?

    With MAP I actually spent upwards of eight months having powerful exit symptoms, entering deep trance states, and practicing everything I could to get out, all with no exit. It took me a long time to figure out that the problem was inadequate relaxation. Robert underscores this in the book, and I'd suggest you look there first. I can't sleep on my back, my mind hums along awake no matter how tired or relaxed I am, so that rules much chance of pulling AP off--at least in my case.

    It may be helpful if you post what your routine is now, for example:

    How often are you practicing as opposed to attempting exits?

    Are you wearing headphones?

    How well are you doing progressive relaxation?

    How's your energy work coming along?

    How much bodily sense awareness do you have during your attempts? (i.e., points of contact on your body that you're aware of)

    There are many, many things you need to be mindful of, and the often the smallest overlooked aspect can thwart the whole effort, so please provide more details when you can and we'll go from there.


    (p.s. I can now bring about exits--finally figured out what works for me, but I'll save that for later, once you've posted your info)
    Know Thyself

  3. #3
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    Re: Help anybody..

    Quote Originally Posted by InnaVision* View Post
    hey guys im new and just joined and needed some help. I feel stuck and not being able to progress. I have yet to have a full blown conscious experience yet but i do practice a couple times a day and i seem to always get the exit symptoms but i dont ever seem to be able to exit my physical body. Can somebody anybody give me some tips or pointers. please feel free to share it will be greatly appreciated

    much love thank you
    Hi Breydan.
    First of all, trying to project twice a day is too much. Practice as much as you like but don't do a full fledged projection sequence every day. It wears you out and programs you to fail.
    Then- What do you do to project? Please describe what you do at the time you're trying to project, and how you try to get out, and finally, what do you do when it doesn't work.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. Re: Help anybody..

    hey SoulSail,

    I actually do not use MAP because i was very skeptical about the price and i didnt know if it would charge me and then i would be able to access it. but aside from that i do have robert's free E-book "evolution" and that has helped me understand the whole aspect on AP alot.

    But heres how a session of trying to AP would go for me..

    I would listen to some binaural beats and do some energy work and then i would get to the point where my whole body would tingle and throb. and that would lead me staright into the vibrational stage. and sometimes i would feel as if my whole body is spinning and falling and this happends for abot 5 min. then after that i tried every exit method i read about or heard about but none of them seemed to work. Sometimes the vibrations and spinning/falling feeling would stop and then i would try and exit technique again because i was aware of the "mind split effect" that robert talks about in his book and figured maybe this is the case for me-my physical body dont remember a successful projection but my astral body is fully aware.. being that my astral is exactly aligned with my physical i find it hard to decipher which one is which and which one to move.
    sometimes when i start to meditate and start to energy work usually immediately after i would bring my self awareness from head to toe i would start to feel like im blowing into a balloon and i would assume that would be my energy body and i would try and move and go with it but i would be greatly mistaken and i would be trying to move my physical body screwing up the whole process and i would have to start all over again... sorry for the long reply but yes any more pointers would be good. and i do where earphones and my self awareness id say is up to par while i do energy work it really has a big impact on my body sensations. but CFTraveler please feel free to jump in and give me any of your suggestions as well.

    Thank You
    Happy is the being who is conscious of their spiritual needs.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    In a dream, somewhere finding my way home

    Re: Help anybody..

    Hi InnaVision,

    Sounds as if you're having promising manifestations, but there could still be many things throwing you off course. The tough part here is developing the ability to "listen" in close enough to yourself in order to find what the issue(s) could be. For example, many people, and I was among them, become keenly aware of the pre-exit sensations and symptoms, so much so that they unwittingly put too much focus back on the body. It's tough to pretend nothing's going on when it feels like a train just came through your frame. Not helpful. Astonishment at the symptoms is a great way to end them with no further activity, and this makes sense--you get some measure of adrenaline going in these pre-flight situations, so you must learn to become utterly still mentally as well as physically. Stilling the body is easy, the mind is another beast, often because we're not even aware that it's alarmed by what's happening. It's all about putting it to ease with intention and reassurance.

    More, I highly encourage you to take the headphones off. Binaurals are not AP juice, and while they may help some, the slight pressure exerted by headphones on your ears creates a point of sense-awareness. The idea here is that you want your body to go away, you want to lose as much awareness of it as possible. If you've got tunes going in, your brain has essentially located you, sort of like location services on a device. Avoid.

    If you're attempting to project at night, when your energy body needs recharging--again, may not work. I had to abandon all attempts after three in the afternoon, or until I'd slept for a bit.

    Now we could run through a hundred different things here and try to diagnose, but I highly recommend you get MAP first. It's all too tempting to skip steps in this process (I certainly did, and got poor results as a consequence), but this isn't something you want approach like a buffet line. I'm not suggesting your are, I'm just putting it out there.

    There are other methods you can try as well, and in fact, I'd encourage you to try others if you're failing repeatedly on the one you're using (avoid repeating a failing as CFTraveler mentioned).

    Here's the method that works for me:


    It's a bit beyond my scope right now to explain why this works, but sufficient relaxation--the kind where your muscles are deeeeeeply relaxed is key.

    That's it for now,

    Know Thyself

  6. Re: Help anybody..

    Thanks SoulSail very helpful stuff. ya i think i am trying to force it way too much. but ya thanks for the link very useful stuff. Much love and respect. Thanks
    Happy is the being who is conscious of their spiritual needs.

  7. #7
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    Re: Help anybody..

    Soul started giving you instructions, and I don't want to jump in and tell you to do something else.
    The Vigil Method (as I read it in the book) does include doing some of the things you do here, Fred just calls some of the activities by different names- for example, energy work and/or breathing exercises would be called "anchoring" methods.
    As to the exit techniques themselves, I would ask you to make sure you are very physically relaxed before doing any anchoring techniques, although the Vigil method does bypass some of that, and in between your 'usual' trance induction (what you do to get symptoms) and the exit technique, incorporate some 'energy body loosening'. In his terminology this would facilitate a parasomatic exit. (An OBE to the RTZ).

    I have more ideas but I don't want to bombard you with techniques, and you still didn't answer the question about 'what you do when you fail'.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. Re: Help anybody..

    No feel free to drop some techniques down. im always open to any kind of info that i can get. but to answer your question when i fail during the day i usually just get up and walk it off and wait till later that night. or if its night time and i fail i would just give up and go to bed. But something happend , one time, when i decided to give up and start to fall asleep, when i did i started to dream and thats when i had an unusual experience, it was like a dream it felt like a dream and then all of a sudden i heard someone say "feel the energy" and right at that instant i felt as if i could feel my whole body in the dream and i felt stiff and right after i felt that stiffness i felt as if i was flying somewhere, i couldnt really speculate what or where i was but after like about a quick 5 seconds i came out flying in some type of desert and as soon as that happened everything started to spiral as if i was falling down. then i woke up. i really dont know if it was just a dream or a projection. but ya anything will help. i could use any and all the info possible.

    Happy is the being who is conscious of their spiritual needs.

  9. #9
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    Re: Help anybody..

    It was a projection- but at night, if you feel you failed, get up, don't roll over and go to sleep.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. Re: Help anybody..

    ok. thanks for the advice. much needed. if theres anything else please let me know. but thanks
    Happy is the being who is conscious of their spiritual needs.


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