Hi, my name is Nathan, and I'm a new member on Astral dynamics, and I am very happy to be one.

Years ago, when I first began experiencing pronounced vibrations in my head (crown chakra) along with very audible shrieking sounds and people/kids yelling when I would be sleeping during sleep paralysis, I also found that I would hear the most beautiful music that I can only compare to the nicest types of songs I listen to in waking life.

I am a psychedelic-trance fanatic when it comes to music, I've been listening to it for years now, and I truly have a passion for it. I have even written many poems on how music makes me feel, if truly makes me feel reborn when I listen to it. Put simply, I LOVE IT, it is a big part of who I am.

Anyways, when I would fall asleep and feel paralysis, I would lay awake with my body paralyzed and I was aware of what this experience was after doing some research, and during this paralysis I would hear amazing beautiful music that was very audible and beautifully constructed.

Now I was wondering if some how my subconscious mind as a result of me listening to so much of this music created these beat sequences so intricate and complex that perhaps only a couple of artists would be able to reproduce, taking the biological perspective of course, does anybody know why this happened, or how?

This has happened on a couple of occasions on which I hear this music during this paralysis stage, so I would appreciate any feedback on this. Thanks.