HI, this has taken a bit of time for me to post this negative experience because it was so real but the problem is- what will other people make of it ? I was awake ...it was real...but the last part was whilst in, I suppose semi trance.

Was lying in bed awake about 4am trying to do energy raising when I can only describe it as a dark cloud came over me and a feeling of deep deep depression. (Went to bed happy with no worries)
I knew something was wrong so sent a wish for it to go away. The feeling got more depressive and I (knew) I had entered some negative (field) I remember saying Please Please go away!
I was starting to feel that I wanted to kick my husband's feet hard. I wanted to have a knife in my hand and I would hurt him ( but all the time I knew that this would be wrong) It was as if I was aware all the time of something negative controlling me.
It seemed to take an age before the cloud lifted and went but after that I was frightened to go back to sleep.
I lay there thinking " I don't want to go back to sleep. What if it comes back?
After about 30 minutes
My hubby got up to go to the toilet ( if you've read my posts this happens a lot. )
He came back and layed on his side facing me and put his arm around me.
I remember thinking...with the love around me here and the protection (hopefully) from the other side how can I be harmed?
This is the BEAUTIFUL bit .. I heard a female voice saying 'that's lovely ' then I felt a lovely energy tingle in my lower abdomen.
I must have gone to sleep after that so what is reported next may have been dream but seemed so real.
I saw two figures in front of me as If I had been taken to them . I got a 1 second glimpse of a man in a (WARRIER OUTFIT in the distance
) (could this have been a Gate Keeper?)I poured my heart out to them about what had just happened . They held me and said 'you poor soul come and lye down ..go to sleep.
I next am aware of being in a large area . 2 people looking on..2 men..1 the most gorgeouse to die for fab (remember girls I previously said he had been drawn by a physic artist as being my guide, (shared life from the past) but this part is irrelevant.
I am floating in a chamber shouting anything that comes from the mouth Even swearing .
Next I see a lady sitting in front of me wearing a black trouser suite I feel is teaching me and she is explaining something about the power of crystals and sound to rid of negative energy.
Eventually I woke up but I have had many many positive experiences since then as this was months ago but more real an experience as any other.
Would welcome any comments on this, but first must say ..THE FIRST BIT WAS WHILST AWAKE AND I had no problems I was aware of to cause me concern.
