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Thread: One more

  1. #1
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  2. #2

    Re: One more

    Aaaah. It's like a big cold drink of chocolate milk with honey! Thanks, CF.
    "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."

  3. #3

    Re: One more

    I remember watching a documentary several years ago about this. There were interviews with people who said that they had been visited at the time by personnel in uniform, who had made veiled threats about their safety and the safety of their family, if they revealed what they had found or seen. That, for me, underlines that the US Govt of the day did not want people to know the truth (and probably still doesn't!).

  4. #4

    Re: One more

    I believe the US govt of the day is doing the best they know how.
    Last edited by Pneumismatic; 17th July 2012 at 12:51 AM.
    "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."

  5. #5

    Re: One more

    Quote Originally Posted by LPCF View Post
    I remember watching a documentary several years ago about this. There were interviews with people who said that they had been visited at the time by personnel in uniform, who had made veiled threats about their safety and the safety of their family, if they revealed what they had found or seen. That, for me, underlines that the US Govt of the day did not want people to know the truth (and probably still doesn't!).
    I think I remember that documentary. Creepy for sure. The cover-ups are certainly mind-blowing.

  6. #6

    Re: One more

    Disclosure is not far off. If you take a good look at various news sights you will see things 'leaking' out into the MSM (Main stream media) more often now. The FBI has released documents recently, the British National Archives have released a lot of information, the NSA has released info, New Zealand, Brazil, etc.

    The amount of sightings in 2012 have increased 10x or more and I (and my daughter) have seen multiple UFO's while star watching this summer. We've seen things that just can't be explained away.

    You could even make a case for Will and Jaden Smith visiting the White house and the conversation that took place there between them and the President, that concerned 'Aliens'. Will Smith has talked about this publicly in multiple places.

    We are being 'weened' into Disclosure, have no doubt about it.
    Just like us, even the Masters had to take the first step.


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