This 2 hour video clip, with poor light and mostly simple speech, is one
of the youtubes on Ufologist Karla Turner, who experienced several

She sure has some strange stories to tell, and she seem very grave about them.

She says that she doesn't know if the abductors are aliens, from another
planet of from another dimension. Her point of view is almost the opposite
compared to Steven Greer. K Turner thinks that the alien greys are made
from human biological material, and controlled by more intelligent aliens.

She mentions that many abductees have both positive and negative experiences,
but most abductees experience illnesses or deterioration in health.

She shares Greer's opinion that authorities hide the truth, but K Turner's opinion
is that the authorities don't know much about the aliens. She also speculates
in the possibility that humans somehow are used as (mental?) "cattle" for the
aliens, but I don't think she reached any solid conclusion on that point either.

She suddenly died in cancer 1996, 48 years old. There exists a "homepage"
which gives me too little sane info.

Does anyone know if K Turner reached any conclusions about these abductions
or if anyone else followed up on her work and reached a conclusion?