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Thread: Binaural beats: it's now official that they improve the mind!

  1. #1

    Binaural beats: it's now official that they improve the mind!

    Just today BBC News published details of scientific research showing that piano tuners (who listen daily to binaural beats when tuning "fifths") have a greatly developed hippocampus in the brain. So binaural beats are good for you! Here's the article:

  2. #2
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    At the bottom of the garden
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    Re: Binaural beats: it's now official that they improve the mind!

    Cool! I knew that meditation did this (it's part of why meditation can help to heal things like stress and panic disorders), and I was very much aware that binaural beats induced meditative states, but piano tuners... who knew? I love it.

    But now I can't get that old joke out of my mind: You can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish!
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  3. #3

    Re: Binaural beats: it's now official that they improve the mind!

    Quote Originally Posted by ButterflyWoman View Post
    But now I can't get that old joke out of my mind: You can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish!

    For anyone who might be interested, pianos are tuned by "tempering" intervals and "stretching" octaves. Careful listening for beats is absolutely essential for a good tuning. Pianos cannot be tuned according to "pure" intervals because of the effect of "harmonics". I know this because in my misspent (?) youth I started to learn to tune pianos but never really got anywhere.

    Piano tuners are a skilled bunch - in more ways than one!

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