Time: 11.15 am ish

So i am breaking down with the stress of my issues impacting apon me, when i notice through my window a female chaffinch land in the tree. I feel supported

This 'breaks' my impending fall in to overly-deep-breakdown.... and so i don't

Who'd of thought that 'crying without end' would ever be the prefered method of coping what cannot be coped with.

i have to be so careful not to fall into that cycle...

when i got up to take a closer look at the birds through my window, on our lawn was 2 female chaffinches & one male. A few seconds later a blue tit flew into our biggest tree.

It seems like a few years since i last remember seeing chaffinches in the garden xxx

Energy amplification, new experiences, more active life with increase in potentials, aids in recognizing the spiritual and physical aspects of all things, helps you recognize your own voice, sporadic and tenacity and the ability to be quick and observant. Finch teaches to awaken to your surroundings and aids in the connections to family.