Date: 6/02/16

i had only been asleep for an hour or so,when i woke to what felt like something moving on my bed around by my feet. i had to fully wake myself & sit up & check with my vision to ensure there was nothing physical causing this sensation.

i was quite surprised to find nothing there, the movement was so strong, i thought perhaps one of our pets had gotten into my bedroom.

I tried to 'tune-in' to any subtle energy i was still experiencing & there was some & it was quite strong & swirly with some motion around my leg area.

Possible causes
  • my deceased pets romping around my feet/ legs on the bed
  • energetic vibrations from recently re-entering my body after 'being out'

  • the energy sensation movements appeared to be connected to similar types of energy i have experienced before
  • it felt more like the OBE energy vibrations as opposed to subtle healing energies
  • i was also slightly spooked by this experience, which usually i am not, i kept expecting to 'see' something jump out at me (this might be caused by too much T.V. watching)