Quote Originally Posted by newfreedom View Post
Yesterday was a beneficial impactful day for me & this morning on waking up to take the dogs for their morning walk after 5 hrs sleep, i awoke to strong energy vibrating in my body.

It's quite abrupt to wake-up to this energy, but there is a pleasantness about it (least there is for me now, when i first experienced these energies working in me, (approx. 2007) i would be absolutely terrified out of my mind & always felt like i was imminently going to physically die) & the energies give a feeling of euphoria, excitement & 'feeling-alive' ....also enthusiasm & appreciation

Now that the energies have lessened, if i 'tune-in' it feels like the energetic feeling is associated with my heart chakra, ..... my heart chakra is active.... i like this feeling it makes me feel so good, so safe...

Earlier i had a strong sensation of the 'static bliss' in my belly area, this is another energy, sensation i adore, it feels sooo comfortable & safe & gives a feeling of optimism & expansiveness

Being in this energy space feels like the 'right' / optimum place to be, where life could be a 'joy to live', where living would be one of 'thriving' instead of a 'huge effort' just to get through

This energy space does 'still' bring up mild franticness in me, but it;s soo energetic to what i am usually in, it might just be the way i experience this energy & if it ever lasted long enough i would settle into as my 'norm' & just be a more physically capable, energetically active person.

The energy feeling sure does open doors to what's possible out there / in life to do...

I am going to try & engage with this energy / how i feel in this energy today as much as possible, because i have found for myself from experience, that if i am able to engage with myself in these better spaces, then i have more chance of maintaining them for longer.....

...... so.. 'here's hoping' .......xx

The early hours of the morning are a time when our subconscious mind is much easier to communicate with, and often waking during the early hours of the day (apart from being awesome for meditation eg between 3-5am) you will have the feeling-tone leftover from your dreams, or the feeling-tone of your body running through its healing and regeneration phase (Delta sleep), also you generally feel the unique tone of your higher self during these hours much stronger during these hours, depending on your focus.

I like to do automatic writing during those times, sometimes I will write for 30-60 minutes, and then the next day I will read what I have written, and have no conscious memory of it, because the material came straight from my subsconcious mind, it just "flows" through me like water downhill, no effort etc.

Now, as for the electromagnetic field of your heart (heart chakra) you can activate this as often as you like, for as long as you like. Greg Braden refers to this as the "Science of Compassion", you can find his videos on youtube, and also there is the Heart Math organisation where you can download a free PDF with the basic technique, or buy books with their more in depth techniques (same basic technique, just different uses).

I use the heart chakra for energy-healing each day, previously I was not doing this method, since I added this technique to the previous method I was using (which turned out to be only half a method that I misunderstood). It used to be my hands would glow/tingle with energy, but since adding the heart chakra along with the brain/mind (thought+emotion+feeling) my whole forearms have an internal fiery feel to them is most pleasant, and more focused than before.

If you want to experience more of what you have been experiencing, don't leave it to chance, daily practice practice practice brings results. It's like Rob says in "Evolution", it's better to practice each day with clear focus and intent than a little once in a blue moon.

"Being in this energy space feels like the 'right' / optimum place to be, where life could be a 'joy to live', where living would be one of 'thriving' instead of a 'huge effort' just to get through"
What you describe is a natural state of man, the Yogis call it bliss (although there are different degrees of Samadhi, I think the best kind is waking Samadhi that travels with you through all your days, rather than temporary meditative bliss)

If we lived in a world free of wars, pollution, bad intentions etc, a world of zero resistance, then life flows, we support each other, we love and are loved, we are present and never trying to escape, or shaking off the negative energy from other people, our natural state is blissful, but each day we walk through a spider-web of all kinds of energy, some of it we don't even know, we pick it up as if it were our own, like a magnet picks up anything that is attractive to it, good or bad.

What am I getting at is Practice Practice Practice the more you practice, the more you intend to be and live a certain way, you draw those probabilities to you from the quantum field. But enjoy where you are now, don't just be craving for the future.