I can't believe I'm posting this...

Long story short, my family of five is well below the poverty line, not a lot of job opportunities in rural Maine, I'm only working 20 hours a week at a minimum wage job. We're crammed into a two-bedroom apartment because that's all we can afford. Last month my wife and I sat down and had a serious discussion about whether to buy diapers or come up short on the rent. I do not like having these discussions.

I've manifested $1,000 once, and only once, when life was much easier. Now I am frankly too distressed to even really try.

My guides assure me that everything will be okay and then promptly disappear, as is their way, I suppose.

So... any advice... I guess? I try writing down affirmations and doing them daily, but nothing is going on. Like I said, most of my affirmations are tinged with negativity because of the difficult living situation.