Some of my thoughts about the "Robot".

The appearance of the robot could mean several things, and because I didn't feel any
presence of a being inside the robot, the robot could be some kind of dummy. Perhaps
it was a lesson to us/me, which I used the next day (on the Sunday PE session), when
I met the real Tabitha and was overwhelmed, I imagined her shrink into a handable
size to get back control of myself.

The robot could also be a rehearsal or a test of some kind. And well, the robot could
also be the real Tabitha in yet another very strange appearance, but the robot
looked so different from her other alien appearances that I actually doubt this
last possibility. The robot didn't have any "evil" radiation to it.

Other possibilities exists as well. The robot could be some kind of shield created
by Tabitha or some sort of camouflage, to hide herself from others. And that
shield had to be removed before any more PE action could take place.