Hello everyone and thank you all for your contribution to this amazing subject. I have a few questions/problems that I hope you could help me with them.

I have achieved projecting several times and have had fantastic experiences in the Astral but there are a few problems that constantly bother me.

The first one is the lack of light and clarity. Most of the times I find Astral very dark, sometimes pitch black. It usually gets better after a few minutes but the lack of light is still there. The clearest moments for me are usually the moments before I get pulled back to my body...is there any way to increase the light and to get a better vision?

The second problem is that I feel Some sort of pressure on my eyelids at the very beginning of the projection. I know there arent any eyelids on the astral head but if if there were any this pressure keeps them close for minutes or in another sense it blocks my vision. Is this common? Have you experienced it yourself?

The third problem is the ability to choose exact destinations. I havent been able to do that
Yet...i usually fall in a dark tunnel and after that I find myself flying over some terrains and then I endup in another place which is not my destination. How do you go to a certain place?

Is that possible/common to start or find yourself in a certain place after projection? Without even wanting to go there? Many times i have found myself in my childhood house with multiple manifestations of the memories that I have from there. There are sometimes some entity there too which are not very delightful and welcoming but I have learned to ignore them.

And finally...I have met an entitiy, an angel like figure in the astral and had a very deep conversation with
her once. Is that possible to meet her and talk to her again? If yes...how?
(I dont know her name to call it in the Astral)

Thank you very much for your time and attention. I wish you all safe, long, meaningful and pleasnt Astral travels.


Astral Prince.