I thought that I would write down some old memories and some of the spiritual experiences I'v had in my life. There are som questions at the bottom for you to discuss if you like

To begin with I have some old memories from my childhood which I always regarded as dreams untill I understood they were more than that. You could say that I had forgotten about them even untill I "stumbled" upon the matter of OBE and all the related topics. One thing I often "dreamt" about was that I was practicing flying outside my house where I lived when I was little. I remember trying to jump off the ground, to hover and to show off in front of others what I could do. One vivid experience was when I flew over my childhood area and crashed in a lawn and woke up, and another where I saw the extreme detail of a leaf when I zoomed into it with my apparently awesome vision. These memories is not from dreams but from OBE's or astral travels in the RTZ.
I have also been to the lower astral planes when I was little. I remember flying or walking around in a very industrial kind of environment looking for something.
I have vivid images in my mind even today from all these experiences. Its pretty strange how we can forget such nice experiences and blow it off as dreams when they are something else.
Other than that I remember that when I was a teenager I could sometimes lay and listen to my earhiss when having difficulty falling asleep. The noise would increase more and more untill I got a bit scared of it and stopped listening. Looking back on that it felt almost as if I was beginning to enter a trance state. So I think the "spiritual stuff" have always been there in some way.

Another thing I would like to write down is experiences I'v had since beginning with MAP in 2010.
Prior to beginning with MAP I was somehow lead down the path of spirituallity or spiritual development. It had been absolutely nonexisting for most part of my life. I always felt abit lost and always had this question in my head which I couldn't identify. As if something was missing. I almost think the question was about what the purpose was with me beeing here in this life. What do I do? Why am I? Im sure many of you recognize that feeling, that question that you just cant figure out what it is.
Anyway I somehow got onto this path of searching for this question and in various ways and by various influenses it brought me to Robert Bruce (amongst others) and his MAP book.

A list of some of the things I have experienced since beginning with MAP (can work as a morale-booster for those who feel they aren't doing any progress):

-Increased dreamrecall
-Exit vibrations
-Exit noise/sound
-Racing heart chakra
-Electric/static feeling
-Light trance
-Medium trance
-Better temperament
-Calmer mind
-Clearer mind
-Chakra strobes
-Seeing through the eyelids
-Lucid dreaming
-Mystic visions
-Beeing in the void
-Tunnel experience
-Floating out of the body

All of these I have never had (consciously) prior to beginning with MAP. I do believe that the will to experience OBE's is extremely important though, and without it I could imagine that the list above would be smaller.

I'm a person who had to learn how to be patient, because I tire fast if I dont find something exciting. And so I have been on and off MAP several times the past 2 - 2,5 years. When I was off it, it was in my mind though, that I wanted to practice deep down inside. But I wanted results faster, I wanted to experience the stuff I read about. So my higher self made me taste what was to come if I continued. I had some very cool experiences and was really amazed. But I have to say that those experiences didn't quench my thirst at all because I just want more. I want consciously induced OBE's.

And so it will be. Period.

What memories from the past do you have? How did you come across MAP? What led you down the path of spirituallity?