Dear friends,

I will keep this brief as I can, I am ill with pain and fatigue and I have never meditated before but have been doing so due to not being able to move or think. I started astral flying, vibrating up and rotating down.

I have had spirit massages, seen gold tubes going through me. Voices whispering to me whilst hovering above my body. I enjoy all the sessions because I agree with someone else that my daily life is Grimm so this is a great escape.

I want to ask what do I need to do as I look on the forum and get tired quickly and get completely lost. I downloaded Roberts book last night but my husband uses the computer for work and I can't sit for long in his chair. It's only free after 6pm and I am too tired. So I use my iPad in bed where I live.

I do eat meat, I don't do grounding, what's energy raising ? These are all things I am reading but don't know where to start. My dreams are nightmares nearly every night .

Last two days bad back and bowel spasms. But not had an obe in a week. Could someone guide me a bit as my energy for reading is so low and I get excited and diverse constantly

Thank you