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Thread: My painting before the session "healing Alien-6"

  1. #1
    IA56 Guest

    My painting before the session "healing Alien-6"

    Hi all,
    I call this painting ...Protection..because I did paint it before the session´s on 13 and 14 okt.

  2. #2

    Re: My painting before the session "healing Alien-6"

    Yes, the symbolism is there. To me, there also are things to be absorbed on
    different levels, long time afterward.

    I tried to get to know where Tabitha is now, but got no answer. Maybe
    that's one of all the secrets I have to accept.

  3. #3
    IA56 Guest

    Re: My painting before the session "healing Alien-6"

    Quote Originally Posted by PauliEffect View Post
    Yes, the symbolism is there. To me, there also are things to be absorbed on
    different levels, long time afterward.

    I tried to get to know where Tabitha is now, but got no answer. Maybe
    that's one of all the secrets I have to accept.
    Yes to let go can be hard, but nessessary and to trust she is in or on a good place now, thanking you for the help

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