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Thread: Nofap - 6 month no masturbation video review

  1. #1

    Nofap - 6 month no masturbation video review

    I have been advocating the benefits of a masturbation-free lifestyle ever since I first started trying it out a few years back. It has gave me more energy, helped me focus, gave me more emotional stability, improved my workouts, gave me more confidence and the list goes on. 6 months without masturbating and I feel so much better. Will I go back to it? not any time soon. Check out my video review..

    Check out the Nofap and yourbrainonporn sites for more info on how cutting out porn/masturbation can benefit you..

  2. #2

    Re: Nofap - 6 month no masturbation video review

    I've heard often from a 'medical' viewpoint that for (men's) health reasons (e.g. the prostate gland, testicles, urinary system etc.) it would be necessary or at least better to "vent" (no matter which way) occasionally, is that a myth?
    This collector of useless clutter.

  3. #3

    Re: Nofap - 6 month no masturbation video review

    I think if the body needs to ejaculate it will do it whilst you're asleep (ie wet dream) Though I may be wrong, it may be good just to masturbate once a month if this concerns you. It only takes about a week to start feeling the benefits of semen retention so ejaculating once a month wouldnt hurt.

  4. #4

    Re: Nofap - 6 month no masturbation video review

    No, it's just out of interest, although I try out lots of things (so who knows, maybe I will decide one day to give abstinence a try). A while ago I just read this elsewhere that a stasis or jam of semen wouldn't be good for the gland(s). But maybe it's plain wrong.
    This collector of useless clutter.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    In a dream, somewhere finding my way home

    Re: Nofap - 6 month no masturbation video review

    A couple questions...

    Do you suppose having sex diminishes your energy in the same manner as masturbation? Please explain if so, or if not so.

    What if one doesn't masturbate to pornography, is there equal harm in that, or do you see this a porn issue?


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  6. #6
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    Re: Nofap - 6 month no masturbation video review

    I'll stay away from this theme because it always ends up going in circles- you can look up any masturbation theme in this forumand see what I mean- but I will add that medical science still considers masturbation (or rather, physical ejaculation) as a necessary for health thing for men, and correlate ejaculation will less cancer.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #7

    Re: Nofap - 6 month no masturbation video review

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    I'll stay away from this theme because it always ends up going in circles- you can look up any masturbation theme in this forumand see what I mean- but I will add that medical science still considers masturbation (or rather, physical ejaculation) as a necessary for health thing for men, and correlate ejaculation will less cancer.
    Thanks CFT, that's what I thought I remembered more or less, I was just too lazy to bother to do some googling research myself.
    This collector of useless clutter.

  8. #8

    Re: Nofap - 6 month no masturbation video review

    Quote Originally Posted by SoulSail View Post
    A couple questions...

    Do you suppose having sex diminishes your energy in the same manner as masturbation? Please explain if so, or if not so.

    What if one doesn't masturbate to pornography, is there equal harm in that, or do you see this a porn issue?


    Being single I cant say, but with sex there is an exchange of energy, masturbation is purely a loss of energy, and love from a partner is energising itself. Its really the act of looking at porn and spending 20-30 mins masturbating thats the problem imo.

    Yes porn is a bigger issue as it overworks the dopamine receptors in the brain which we are not evolutionarily prepared for. Ie back in the day there would be a handful of women in the tribe which would have had a natural stimulation on the mens sexual drive.. now men have infinte access to hardcore, erotic images, making ordinary women look boring in comparison. Check the yourbrainonporn site for more info.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    In a dream, somewhere finding my way home

    Re: Nofap - 6 month no masturbation video review

    Quote Originally Posted by WanderRA View Post
    masturbation is purely a loss of energy, and love from a partner is energising itself. Its really the act of looking at porn and spending 20-30 mins masturbating thats the problem imo.
    Right. I won't go into how porn actually isn't the problem for lack of space and time, but suffice to say there are no problems outside of us. We bring the gas and matches. But basically, yeah, porn is better left alone given the pull toward addiction for many.

    While CFTraveler is correct in that there are benefits to releasing, I think the point has been made here before and stands:

    We don't "have" energy. We are energy. Still, when we expend ourselves on behavior that reinforces the less noble "self" we can certainly wind up feeling vamped, but nothing is really "lost." My point is that masturbation is not "bad" and does not deplete one's natural energetic pool. You are the pool. The pool is you. And what appears to be the wise resolution to a problem often just isn't.

    Simply put: if you can't do porn, don't do porn. But porn isn't the problem, nor is masturbation. I don't mean to sound condescending one tiny bit, but while forcing yourself to stop through will and effort and such might work, it's a tragic oversimplification. I would suggest looking into what you believe about porn and masturbation first. Belief forms reality.

    Know Thyself

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