I use a grade from 0 - 10 (10 is the best/highest).

Out-Of-Body Adventures, 1988, Rick Stack

GRADE: 6.0 - 7.0

This is a How-To book, at least from the front title, which says something like "30 Days to OBE". Though
inside the book there is _no_ 30 days, day-for-fay schedule. The author is the pupil and friend of late
Jane Roberts, writer of the Seth books, which I know little of, but Seth seems to be a guide, some kind
of trans-medium.

As a first book this is probably quite good and could deserve a higher grade, but there are some things
which makes me not so sure about how to judge the book. First of all it is the physical format, at least
my copy is a low, very wide book, as opposed to many ordinary books that are higher than they are
wide. The format gives some difficulties when reading in bed.

Then there is content that I think I've read before, like how to handle fear, how overcome your faulty
beliefs and so on. The first half of the book is also kind of fuzzy and I've a hard time figuring out what
it has taught me. The second half of the book improves a lot and contains several methods for inducing
OBE, which to some part rely on LD or pre-sleep states. One big exercise is to answer some questions
and ponder over your own answers. The author probably knows his stuff and gives some examples of
his own or from other people.

This book is not extremely good, but is still above average and may contain something of interest for
the reader that wants info out of a Seth point of view.