I use a grade from 0 - 10 (10 being the best/highest).

Astral Dynamics / A NEW Approach to Out-of-Body Experience, (in hardcopy and on-line) 1999, "1st Ed", Robert Bruce

GRADE: 10.0

My-Oh-My, this is the best book I've read on the subject of OBE/AP and more. R Bruce teaches the NEW
energy gathering to aid in doing OBE. Bruce describes various techniques to exit the body, methods that
can be used by blind people. Bruce describes the Astral Planes and Astral Wildlife. He also has a section
on protection and counter measures. He describes his important discovery of the Mind Split Effect, the
discovery of the Akashic Pulse and the Astral Wind. The book is just so impressive!

One comment from another source, is that few others have experienced the same view of the Astral
Planes as Bruce have. But regardless if Bruce is right or wrong most of the time, this book is
mind-boggling to say the least. Some things like the Mind Split Effect may have been described by
others, but I'm not sure that anyone before Bruce have understood what those things meant.

(One word of advice... The techniques described by Bruce might need to be completed with some more
info for the newbie OBE:er that has never exited before, like the Robert Peterson's methods.)

NEW Energy Wayes V2, 1999, Robert Bruce

GRADE: 9.0

This small document (on-line 61 pages), contains Bruce's NEW method to strengthen the etheric body's
energy system and gather energy to do various psychic things. NEW is almost contained in his book Astral
Dynamics too. In this document some more methods for gathering energy and for activating energy paths
are described. I felt the effect of NEW the first day I used it and I think the NEW method also contributed
to my kundalini experience (indirectly initiated by attraction, _not_ by activation).

Practical Psychic Self-Defense, 2002, Robert Bruce

GRADE: 6.5

This book is mostly about psychic self defense in the physical world. Only a few examples are given from
an OBE/AP perspective. This is a good read and contains several examples. I think the reader should
though be aware that fear for the unknown could induce fearful experiences. Other writers also have
stated that the best astral protection is no (!?) protection at all. I don't know if R Bruce has changed his
mind about that concept as some years have passed since the book came out.

The book describes some aspects of Negs and also what some of the Negs are. It is clear from Bruce
book that the worst way to attract Negs is by living a "sloopy", careless life and using drugs, which other
authors in the field also have reported.

I've lowered the grade somewhat because I think the book doesn't really make it clear if psychic
protection contributes to attract Negs, and I would have liked the book more if it described the subject
from a deeper OBE aspect. Perhaps I got the feeling that Bruce left out some info on purpose, but that
could just be my own feeling?

Energy Work: The Secret of Healing and Spiritual Development, 2007, "illustrated edition edition" according to Amazon, Robert Bruce

(So far unread and un-ordered by me.)

Mastering Astral Projection: 90-Day Guide to Out-of-Body Experience, 2004, Robert Bruce

(So far unread and un-ordered by me.)