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Thread: Time lapse

  1. #1
    Dais Guest

    Time lapse

    I know we all have lost track of time. I also know we all atleast sometimes we absolutely lost track. Like when your laying in bed blink and its the next day.
    I grew up rarely having this happen to me but in the time of my meditations I have noticed this happening much more offten after ward when I goto sleep and the lapse is much longer and it almost always happens after obe attemps once I have given up. I think maybe I get out and dont notice and Im also messing up the rentry memory link up.
    I also think that this might pretain to anyone that this maybe happening to.

  2. #2
    terra incognita Guest
    Hi Dais,
    It sounds like you are experiencing a lack of energy. If you go to sleep, or lay down to do energy work and fall asleep the instantaneous sensation of instantly waking up in the morning is usually the result of lack of energy. The surest way to retain some level of memory is to meditate and do energy work before laying down. Make sure you are not sleepy. Try to reserve some energy during the day and, in conjunction, try to build your inner energy and peace of mind.
    Generally, (I am speaking for myself as there is a lot of disagreement on this topic) I abstain from sexual activity and heavy physical activity of any sort. I try my best to keep my mind focused on all things esoteric. Spiritual literature of whatever sort is helpful. Sometimes just finding a peace of mind by just quieting the thoughts helps focus mental energy. A still mind keeps unnecessary dream imagery to a minimum while sleeping (but that might not be your problem right now).
    Most importantly, try not to try any work while tired. We can't just come home from a hard days work and just flop onto bed giving our spiritual life a flickerng thought just before we fade off to sleep. These things must be thought of beforehand in a very methodical way.
    Hope this helps!

    **Wear the doorstep thin at the house of a wiseman**

  3. #3
    Dais Guest
    I try my best to do those things very good advice yes. But I tend to keep a good graspe of my energy usage. It may account in this for some cases but it kind of happened to me Like a mind cold kinda it happened for a few days at a shot and I dont normaly have that happen.

  4. #4
    Dais Guest
    Generally, (I am speaking for myself as there is a lot of disagreement on this topic) I abstain from sexual activity and heavy physical activity of any sort
    Why might I ask. I love doing physical acts isnt that what are bodys for other than to house ower energy.

  5. #5
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    Here's a link to some of the controversy: ... hlight=sex
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #6
    terra incognita Guest
    Okay, here's a quandary for you. Years ago I was heavily into running. I had just finished running about 8 miles and had reached my second wind phase. This phase seemed to empower me with a limitless amount of energy and I wasn't tired when I reached home. I went inside and took a shower and layed down for the night. Within 5 minutes I had my first conscious projection. I won't get into the details.

    So the advice I gave above is not a strict policy for inducing inadvertent OBE. The real question is: How can we, as spiritual seekers, learn to induce a responsible, calculable method for inducing the out of body experience? As with all things in life, there are no all-inclusive answers. There are always exceptions to the rule. But there are some known ingredients which cause, when applied with diligence and consistancy, predictable effects.

    To recreate the circumstances that predicated all of our first experiences would be virtually impossible. To sprint 8 miles and then lay down goes against most advice spiritual seekers would give you. To go on a three day sex binge with your spouse may also go against common esoteric thought. To chew mushrooms or attend a trance dance or any infinite number of scenarios which might precede our first spontaneous projection might not prove fruitful over the long run.

    Let's talk about speculation. We can speculate about all of the ingredients which predicated our initial astral projection experience. We can hope and wish and argue and dream about possibilities which may or may never come true. Say you wanted to reach the top of a mountain. There are no roads, only a trail. Helicopters cost $500/hour so that's not an option. It would be impossible to four wheel to the top of the mountain. The only way to reach the apex of the peak is to walk. There are people who claim to have been to the top by extraordinary means which we have never experienced in our everyday life. The only way you know how to get to the top is by walking. The most common every day act of walking. Nothing miraculous, dazzling or supernatural.

    I believe we should reduce our hopes, wishes and dreams to an every day factor. Ask yourself: What can I do right now to enable the increased possibility of projection? At this very moment what can I do to establish the optimum conditions within my mind and energy body to induce the most likely state for projection? While I believe that any multitude of scenarios can precede projection experience none are more reliable, on a daily basis, than building energy by conserving and stimulating energy as per Robert Bruce's books. (I hope you own Mastering Astral Projection).

    To reference your question about the physical body: "What is the body good for if we don't use it?" That's a good excuse for purely hedonistic pursuits if no thought is given to a spiritual life. We can't help but use our physical bodies, whether we are animal minded or aspiring spiritual seekers. The spiritual seeker sees a greater reality beyond the physical and does not necessarily tell himself, "Oh, I've been too spiritual recently and need to be more physical." In my experience it has been the other way around. If we are intellectually honest and truly dissect our lives, we will see a much greater need for spiritual development and a lessening of our physical intensity.

    The preeminent question that we must ask ourselves is: Do we have ulterior motives for spiritual seeking? Well, what ulterior motives? We have to examine WHAT WE SEEK TO ACHIEVE with our seeking. Specifically, Dais, what, if you feel like sharing this with us, is your ultimate objective? I will leave this question open for your answer, I hope you will answer soon. Thanks.

    **a pound feathers or a pound of lead, your choice**

  7. #7
    Dais Guest
    To find the only true knowladge the meaning of all things and its beginings. The wisdom that is not biast in any form or of any preconcevied notions. To see and learn from places and beings beyond this plane. To reach a new status of beaing. The orginal idea of Alchemy. To turn lead to gold. my self being lead enlightenment being gold. To become more then the mortaliy of flesh. but the imortality of energy. To learn to percive all I can in a way that I can understand.
    To find the word the frist vibration spoken by the one which sprang forth chaos into creation.

    That make sense?

  8. #8
    terra incognita Guest
    Here's a scenario for you, Dais, that I have attempted to apply to myself as well. I realize that we are on the internet and personal information should be carefully shared with others. But I need you to be as frank as possible. Imagine you are walking through the forest and you find a glistening emerald that fits neatly in the palm of your hand. You realize that this jewel gives you the unrestricted power in changing yourself instantly. If you desire to be taller you can be taller. If you wish any physical attribute it is instantaneously metamorphosed into the desired configuration. I think you see what I am getting at. Also, this gem as subtle effects upon your mind and spirit. You can choose from any possible characteristic to apply to your mind and spirit.

    At this point, the portal that we must pass through requires a legitimate set of intentions. I have read your other string and think that string is applicable to this string. Of course, this hypothetical story will loose its effectiveness, unless you answer honesty.

    It's an interesting way to perceive our inner desires more specifically on a point by point basis. Without the factor of time numbing us to the subtle changes, which takes place in us, we can see more starkly the unmistakable ideals we consciously harbor.

    This concept would be similiar to coming home after a short absence in the spring time and noticing new growth in the plants around your home. This growth might have gone unnoticed if you had stayed home.

    If you can, Dais, be as specific as possible. Don't do this for me or for anyone reading this post, but do this for your self. Introspection, whether you write this on the forum or not, would have to be somewhat blunt. We could carefully shape our responses to the story above to portray ourselves as purely super human. But that would be a transparent attempt, to those of us who can read between the lines, to cover the flaws within us.

    Just simply list the information that you are willing to share with us in light of this hypothetical emerald story.

    List some of the changes that you would attempt to implement into the world with your enhanced attributes given to you by this gem. Please give this some thought and meditate on these ideas before you answer.

    Thanks Dais!!

  9. #9
    Dais Guest
    I will.

  10. #10
    Dais Guest
    First meditation for the gem. I walked though the woods and found the gem quickly I was given the idea to consume the gem frist. Then the idea of such power and abilty to change my self to whatever means lead me to think how I coud use my power to bring control into the wourld with punishment and law in hope to force a more controled enviroment to help bestow knowladge to the wourld. But I quckily realized that this isny my choice and that descision like that are not mine to make.

    So I then sat waiting direction. For such power isnt mine to toy with power comes with duty. It never came. I then tried to think of what else to do to enlighten the wourld. It never came. that and karma seems to be doing a good job. Then I just thought about how to become more wise, and if these powers could help me to do this.

    I will dwell on this again. But such power is meaning less to me. I do not wish to change all that much about me. and with all the power of reality I wouldnt change anything just hope to understan what is better.

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